Monday, July 03, 2006

Madacascar and Last Holiday

Gotta love summer weekends... that's when we finally get a chance to catch up on movies!

Watched two last night...

Madacascar: Definately has a giggle factor to it! We chortled thru just about the whole movie. Highly recommend for the laugh factor. And the animation is pretty darn good too!

Last Holiday: With Queen Latifah. It's the first time I've ever seen her act. Or do anything. Other than a commerical. I know, I know, I live in a bubble. The movie is good, not great, but good. Some good laughs. It was something to see Timothy Hutton again! And Gerard Depardieu, which I remember most from "Green Card".

So both movies - not a waste of money at all.

That's it. For now...

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