My poor Brewster. Remember him? He's our 4 month old kitty. Somehow, he's managed to get owies under his mouth line. Maybe he's teething? Anyway, what I thought was just his markings, is actually black dried blood. So lately I've been cleaning it off with a warm wet face cloth, then putting polysporin on it. Which he then proceeds to wash off with his paws. Do they have "kitty cones"? And is polysporin going to make him sick? Don't ya just love being a "parent"? ~big sigh~
I did the old roll him in a towel trick to clean it and put the ointment on it this last time. Saves us both pain and suffering!
I think I'm going to have to give in and take him to my wonderful vet, Dr. Michelle King. Or any of the vets at Northside Vet. (here's a plug to you guys!) These are pretty wonderful people /vets at this clinic! Besides Dr. King, there is Carla, and Doug Hopkins. Both vets. And their support staff are ~thumbs up~ people too! They love seeing me, can we say ka-ching? LOL
Oh well, Gracie gets to get her shots and check up next Friday, maybe I'll take Brewster too. Nothing like taking a day off work to go to the animal doctor! Guess we'll see how Brewster does this week... other than this skin problem, he's healthy, and his mouth IS fine. He's eating okay, and running around the house like normal. I know, I know, maybe he has a skin allergy to HIS food! Wouldn't THAT be something! ~big sigh~
bbfn, again
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