Sunday, July 02, 2006

Amesbury Archer

I've always been facinated with anything Stonehenge related. I would love to see it sometime! I always thought my first trip to Europe would be to the British Isles, who'd have thunk it would be Denmark?? That's what happens when you win a trip to anywhere, and you have a good friend in Denmark, and not England or Ireland or Wales or Scotland. Thanks Gitte, for the unforgettable time I had with you!! :-)

Anyway, I digress. As usual!!

Last night I finally got a chance to watch a show I had taped about Stonehenge. Only it wasn't so much about Stonehenge, but what the archaelogists stumbled upon. What they thought as a routine excavation turned into finding someone they dubbed the "Amesbury Archer" or "The King of Stonehenge". It was an amazing program and the web site is pretty good too.

As I'm watching it, I'm thinking what an amazing story just waiting to be written by someone!! No, not by me! LOL He was found in 2002, where have I been for the last 4 years???? I sooooooo need to win a lottery!! HA! Like THAT would ever happen!! ~big sigh~

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