YPM Pirates of the Carib "Bean" Counters
Okay, back row, kinda zig zag, left to right:
Al-YPM, Kim, Tylor, Robin, James-YPM, Mike-YPM, Dennis (tall), Mieka-Jame's GF, Jim, Brad, Christine-YPM (braids), Corey, Chandra-YPM, Murray (mustache), Margaret, Cory
Kneeling, left to right:
Louis-YPM (parrot on shoulder), Loralee, Sandra, Krystal, Dawn, Sue-YPM, Jamie
Well, as promised, here are some pics of the dragon boat races. Think I may go back either later today, or tomorrow, and see if I can get some better shots!! The team that has pirate scarves on their head is the team that some of our guys were on.

Took Gracie with me, she did pretty good, considering how many people were there! She did well on the leash, for the most part. Did her "sit" and "stay" and "heel" pretty good, I was 95% impressed with her bahavior. It's the first time she's ever been around that many people on a leash!
The only time we had issues was when she wanted to "play" with another dog. She'd start to dance, and bark with that DEEP bark she has, scared the crap out of people. "That damn rottweiler, why do they bring those killer breeds here!" I'm sure is what people were thinking! ~big sigh~
But I also met some really nice people who would come up and talk to me and her. And others that once I explained why she was barking, would let me bring her closer to "visit". Overall... it was pretty good. Except the dumb duffus tried to swim in the lake when I was watching for the boats. Then she got her lead tangled around her back legs, like she was hog tied. After that, she was banned from the water!
And then it began to get HOT. So shortly after 10 a.m., we were out of there! That's why I can't participate in it.. can't overheat my body core temp. Now if they could guarantee me cool weather, I'd do it in a flash!
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