Friday, July 07, 2006

Grey Owl

Say a silent "thankyou" for the preservation of wilderness areas, for the lives of the creatures who live there and for the people with the foresight to realize this heritage, no matter how.

Near side-by-side gravestones of Archie Grey Owl, his wife Anahareo (Pony), and their daughter Shirley Dawn there is a plaque bearing the above words.

We watched the movie "Grey Owl" last night. Based on a small condensed portion of Archie Grey Owl's life. (Archibald Stansfeld Belaney) I thought it was very well done, but it left me wanting to know more about this man. When I checked him out... looks like they "romantizied" him in the movie. It seems to me in real life he was a tortured soul. Who could be a real ass, but his heart was in the right place. I have admiration for alot of his choices, but then the other choices left me shaking my head. A flawed man, who managed to do some pretty amazing things, in his time and space.

Things that make you go "hmmm...."

Couple of good sites to visit:

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