Sunday, February 04, 2007

Paddy's video

Paddy & I spoke for 41 minutes on the phone this morning, we ended up on MSN when his phone died, then he send me this video:

He's shows up about 1/2 way thru it, this is his story on "getting dressed". Which I thought was hilarious!

dk says:
my part was pictures put together
dk says:
uhmm 372 of them i belive

owlfeather says:
I still like it how you got dressed tho! LOL
dk says:
dk says:
clothes come to me eh?
dk says:
dk says:
thought that would look neat
dk says:
it turned out well
owlfeather says:
I'm gonna have to show the boys here, and yep, turned out great! How long did it take?
dk says:
uhmm it took for that many pics we did it over two days but about 3h of setup and for him to run to me and move my clothes everyframe
dk says:
easy for me cuz i didnt move

Too funny!
That's MY kid for ya!

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