Saturday, February 17, 2007

Chris is TWENTY-ONE today!!

Egads, it's hard to believe that my first born is 21 today!! Well, as of 10:10 tonight!! A friend of mine called last night, and we were talking about her 2 1/2 hr old, and it seems just like yesterday that Chris was that age!! Where on earth does the time go???

I FINALLY got my poop in a group, and sent his birthday stuff off to him on the bus yesterday on my lunch hour. Nothing much, when is it ever? Some nice new towels, some boxer shorts, and some nice smellies (cologne) to make him smell pretty. :-) It's too early to call him, but I must make a note to self to try to call him tonight, hopefully around 10:10, to wish him a Happy Birthday!!

Post Script:
Well, I waited and waited. At 10:10 p.m., I called Chris. He's partying at a friend's house. Whose birthday was on the 13th. He had been waiting ALL day for me to call him, I guess I had mentioned that I'd call him around noon. Oops. Sorry kiddo! I forgot about that! (I do that alot, forget things!) But he was very happy that I had finally called him, and he got WHY I was calling him at that time! Thank goodness! Whew, dodged the bullet on that one!! LOL It wasn't a long call, 'cause man, was it noisy behind him!! That's good, glad he's having fun!!

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