This is a 3D stained glass dragonfly and lily - absolutely stunning. Not so much in the picture, MUCH better in person!!

It just had to go with my bamboo, kinda fits there. There is normally more "stuff" on this table, but it got packed away at Christmas, and has not been found since! LOL
And this is my birthday present from her! The stone is called LARIMAR, which is the national stone of the Dominican Republic. Again, the pics don't do it justice, but it is such an amazing colour!

And then, of course, I had to go check out the energy associated with this stone!
Larimar: Known as Pectolite, this is a stone for business if customers are in need. It releases chains in a material world. It enhances healing, peace and clarity, bringing inner wisdom and physical manifestation.
She bought it for me when she was on vacation there - she just got back a couple of weeks ago. Lucky girl! :-)
Speaking of vacations, tonight, we go to the River of Dreams party thru our radio station. Out of the 107 qualifiers in attendance, one will when a trip to Hawaii. EVERYONE will go home with a prize, which is very nice. 'Cause I've gone to these things, and most of the time, the only one to win anything is the trip winner. :-(
I'm kinda hoping for a guitar from Scott's Music - Paddy's Grad is coming up in May, and I want to get him something he'll keep forever. I got Chris a REALLY nice expensive engraved dress watch for his Grad 3 yrs ago, but Paddy has already told me "no way", not for him. MEN!! But a REALLY nice guitar might be good. :-) Maybe get an engraved brass plate and put it on it. That would be kinda sweet.
So I'll let you know tomorrow what I've won!
The owl has been just a "chirping", even last night, just after 9 p.m., he must have gone on for close to an hour. When I took Gracie for a walk thru the green strip around 6, there wasn't a sign of him. But 3 hrs later, he's baaaaack. If we can hear him that well (it almost sounds like he's on our roof!), I hate to think how loud it would be for the people whose house antenae he perches on! LOL I still think there is a pair of them, too much "chatter" for just one.
It started snowing again yesterday. First is snows, then almost totally melts. Then snows again, then totally melts. Last night when I took Gracie thru the green strip, man, was it slippery in places. Fresh snow on top of ice. Ya, this is fun! NOT!!
Oh, and you HAVE to read this email from a friend:
You just about got a weird call from me Friday evening.
Friday night got home just before 6p, and by the time I changed and grabbed the dogs, it was too late to take them to Peenaquim - too dark (plus the whole porcupine issue). So, I stayed up top and drove past the entrance to Peenaquim and stayed on the gravel road and parked on the road just before it heads down into that Alexander Wilderness Park. We walked back toward the city, and then turned off at the power station onto the Coalbanks Trail which heads east toward that new housing development (Legacy Ridge). Got to the end of the path and turned around to head back to the car. Was almost back to the road when I saw a coyote come up out of the coulee and cross the road only a hundred metres or so away. Luckily I saw it before the dogs did, so I was able to grab them. I had one leash w/ me so put that onto Clara and grabbed Bud's collar. By this time, they'd seen the coyote and were at full alert. I was about to start again when I see two more coyotes come up this same route. They stopped for a minute because a truck came along, but then saw me and just stood there looking. Soon a third coyote joined them. Well, it was either stand there or start heading for the car, which was still about 10 minutes away. I got to the road and walked very briskly back to the car, hanging onto the kids the whole time for dear life while all they wanted to do was be free to investigate these other "dogs". THESE THREE COYOTES PACED ME ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE CAR. They stayed a couple hundred feet to my left and just kept walking the same pace we were all the way back to the car. To say I was a little freaked is an understatement.
If I had no dogs with me, I wouldn't have been bothered at all as coyotes rarely bother humans, but I knew if the kids got away from me, I'd have big trouble on my hands.
Got back to the car and to further add to my being freaked out, the truck that had passed by earlier had parked near my car (it was very dark by this time). Hopefully they were just there to enjoy a joint. Got into the car and locked the doors quickly. Drew a few deep breaths and drove to the grocery store to pick up a few things. While I was in the store, the adrenaline rush that had sustained my since the coyotes appeared drained out, and my legs went wobbly. Good thing I had the grocery cart to hang onto.
I thought later (after I got home and very quickly downed a beer) that I should have stayed put as soon as I saw the coyotes and called you to see if you could come and "deliver" us back to my car. I know - I'm a wuss. :-)
Poor Girl! The reference to the porcupines....
Kids are fine. They had their first (and hopefully last) run-in w/ a porcupine Saturday evening down at Peenaquim. I was parked in the parking lot, but because the footing on the trail was still icy, I was walking south down the road toward Softball Valley. I was just past the entrance to the shooting range and the two were off in the grass snooping around when Bud started to bark. I couldn't see them and I called and called and yelled and called. Pretty soon they came back into sight, both shaking their heads so I figured it was either porcupine or skunk. My vet is on the west-side, but the Uplands Clinic was the on-call clinic that night, so they went there for quill removal. Got those out (14 for Clara, 28 for Bud) and on the way home, the anaesthesia had a further effect on Clara because she had a huge bowel movement on the backseat. Luckily, I had sheets on the seat. Ah, the joys of dog ownership...
She cracks me up. I want you to understand - I am laughing WITH her, NOT at her!! :-)
WOW. I did rather go on and on (and on and on), didn't I?
Okay, really need to go now!
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