Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11, 2001 - Newfoundland!!

It's hard to believe that 5 years has passed since that fateful day. I remember hearing about a plane crashing into a building that morning on the radio. Just thought of it as an accident. Then when I got to work, Harvey (one of our partners), who had his office behind me at the time, had his tv on. And I watched, in real time, the 2nd plane crash into the towers. At 8:15 a.m. our time. (give or take) We were all shocked, just like everyone else across the world. I even got an email from my GF in Denmark - they too, were horrified as they watched the events unfold.

Today, as I was driving home at lunch, I just hit scan on my radio in the car, and ended up at 101.1 FM. Don't ask me where they were broadcasting from, but they were speaking with people from Newfoundland, who REALLY stepped up to the plate and helped hordes of flights and thousands of people that were diverted from landing in the States. So there I am, almost bawling like a baby, hearing the stories.

For example, there were two UN boys (unaccompanied by an adult), that were taken in by the Red Cross lady that was speaking at the time at the radio. Because she had teenagers, she felt they would be most comfortable at her house. And how children were being placed with familes, all over the place. And made to call their parents, ASAP!!

Anyway, missed the rest of it, 'cause I went into the house. But caught the last little bit on my way back to work. There was a Mayor from Appleton, speaking, with his wonderful accent. On how, you just did what needed to be done.

So here's my belated thanks for those wonderful folks down east, who had the heart to do what they did, not expecting anything in return. Good on ye!! God, I love being Canadian!! :-)

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