Okay, what is it when the ring goes on the finger, my thoughts begin to think "wedding". I guess now it would be closer than before.... or something? DUH.
Anyway, wearing the ring for 2 weeks on my middle finger, looking at it all the time, next to my celtic knot ring... just out of curiousity, I began to look at celtic knot wedding bands. Yep. Couldn't help myself!! So I checked out Gaelsong. They usually have some pretty cool things there. Nothing that spoke to me... and because the engagement ring is white gold, I really want to stay in that family. Besides which, did the regular gold stuff - that was a past life. I only wear silver nowadays. Cheaper, to start with! LOL Dave knew that, that's why he got the white gold ring.
Then I checked out Gryphon's Moon.... I've NEVER had a problem buying from them, they are great people!! But alas, nothing that "talked" to me. I want something with the trinity knot in it...
This site has some really fine examples of the trinity knot... now THAT'S what I'm looking for!!
Of course, in my travels... then I began to slide into irish weddings, then to medieval, then to Renaissance, etc. etc. Handfasting. Garb. Feasts. And on and on.
Still haven't found the right ring, but I be thinking that a simple medieval peasant style wedding might be in the cards...
mmm pretty rings. Hope you find what you're looking for.
Did I tell you that I really like your celtic ring,,way cool.
Have you had your engament rng fitted and have you shown it of to the world, I hope so.
PS: I am also one of the ones being surprised about your reaction to the whole being engaged/being proposed to thing, because you so often use the been there/done frase about your firstmariage experiance.
> PSS I am glad you reacted the way you did thoug.....................
As for the "been there, done that" thing... guess that Dave just was patient enough, and wore down my defenses. Or something! LOL
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