Saturday, September 16, 2006


I know, you are saying, what on earth is a "Cadfael"???? Well, actually, it was a bunch of tv movies that would show up here and there, that I tried to watch. I REALLY enjoyed catching these shows. It's about a monk by the name of Brother Cadfael in the 1100's. I know, I know, you are still saying "WHAT????". The tv shows were kind of done Agatha Christie style, a who-done-it type with Brother Cadfael solving crimes, sort of a the original CSI type fella.

Out of curiousity, I thought I'd see if I could find out anything about these tv shows on the web. Can we say OH MY GOD!!! ??? Guess I'm not the only one that loved these shows!! LOL Ya, a person can buy all 4 seasons, 13 episodes, for upwards of a hundred bucks!! Oh, and there was a CD too. Which I thought would be really great, 'cause there is alot of Gregorain chant type music. On ebay - it went for 100 bucks. For ONE cd!!! 11 bids!! Excuse my french, but HOLY SHIT!!! And you should see the web sites dedicated to JUST Cadfael. Check this one out...

By the looks of it, the shows were based on a set of books (20 in all), by Ellis Peters. See, I never knew that!! What a person can learn from the web!!! And here I thought I was the only one that watched these tv shows. Well, and poor Dave, 'cause he didn't have much choice. LOL

I checked with A&B Sound... they can't even order these movies or cd in - they have quit making them! Hence, the high prices that people are asking for, I guess. Oh well, I lived without them all this time... it's not gonna kill me to not own any of the above! LOL It was just a thought anyway....

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