Deb & I went shopping at this neat place called Crossroads Market . HOLY SMOKES, it's HUGE!!! LOL Found some cool stainless steel mugs - 5 of them for $10. Not bad!
Deb had ran into her neighbors, they chatted. I wandered. Later on, she said, "Oh, look who's here!". I saw 2 people sitting at a table. The guy had his head down, and the girl didn't look familiar to me. Just thought it was someone else that Deb knew. THEN THE GUY LOOKED UP...........

Okay, so then I became a ninny. I guess because it was so unexpected. I didn't hear anything about him being there, so it was a shock. I barely ever watched North of 60. However, one year we did our JFW Leader's Workshop partly where they would film the show. Does that count for anything? LOL
I did enjoy Tom Jackson's Huron Carole shows, and The Holiday Train has made stops here in town. Pretty cool what he does for people! And that's what he was doing there, sitting at the table. Signing autographs. Raising money for the food bank. He is SUCH a normal person! LOL And freakin TALL and BIG!! Jeez, I felt like a real squirt next to him! Look at the size of his hand on my shoulder!!! But a really, REALLY nice man!

Then Sat. night we went out to Red Lobster. Trina and her friend Kyle came with us. And I PIGGED out on crab. God, I love sea food! LOL
Sunday, up at 5:35 a.m. Great, eh? YUK!!

Sunrise view from D&D's place....
Okay, so this is the day that Colin is supposed to be coming. Dave suggested I call him - but no, he's a big boy. I will NOT treat him like a child - if he's coming, he's coming. Altho, I did go on-line to find out what times the buses were coming in from Banff. I checked at 11 a.m. - a bus had gotten in at 10:30, no sign of him. Next one would be @ 12:45 p.m., then not until 7:10 p.m. Deb & I went out to an antique market, figured we had some time, and who knows, maybe LOTS of time!

This just was a cool pic hanging on the wall in one of the antique "malls" - had to take a pic of it!
Damned if my cell didn't ring at 12:30, and Colin was at the bus station!!
Went down and got him, took him and his stuff back to the house. Man, does he look rough! He's only 34, looks and walks like he's 20 years older. After about a 1/2 hr, I gave him the option to either stay with the guys and watch the race, or come antique shopping with us. Gee, guess which one he choose? LOL I even offered him the bed upstairs if he needed to have a sleep, 'cause he looked rough! Off we went shopping.

Came back, and Colin was sleeping. With all the noise of us returning, he got up soon after. Watched the end of the race until after 5. Had to wait for the KFC to be delivered, ate supper, and got out of Dodge. Didn't get home until just about 9 last night. Long day!
All the way back, Colin sat behind me in the truck. He reeked of booze. Horible smell. Ick. What we don't do for love, eh? Got him in the house, downstairs to his room, showed him where everything is.... Step one is complete. He's here, he's safe, he's still alive! :-) I'm happy with that, for now!
Al-Anon would be helpful for you. Detox might change his mind about rehab. A tight rein will be viewed as a noose and he'll fight against that. Just one of the many reasons A.A. is so effective--no reins or nooses, just identification and encouragement.
Thanks for the info!
He has done both detox and rehab numerous times in the pass, and AA meetings. He thinks once he gets "clean" he can do it himself. Personally, I think he needs the support of like minded people. He has issues with the "God" thing - that's why he doesn't like AA Meetings. Great, eh?
Altho, I will try to be as supportive as I can. Lots of home cooking. Lots of fresh air and exercise - doing the dog walking thing may help. Being outdoors may help. Time to reflect inwards, to heal from the inside out. I just know that worked for me, and still works for me, whenever I am beating my head against something.
I wouldn't like to be "told" either - I could never have joined the military!! LOL I can't stand control freaks either!! Referring to the ex now....
Thanks for being there for me!!
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