This's snowing and cold and blustery. I'm at the corner of 5th and 23rd, which is a busy intersection. There is a big dark bird flying overhead, coming towards me. Man, it's COLD out this morning - -23, with a -31 windchill. So I'm watching this bird that is flying low in the cold snowy morning, thinking, "that idiot sea gull!" No, the wings are wrong. Hang on, it's black. A crow maybe? But it's BIG!! WAIT!!! For crying out loud - that's no seagull or crow - that's a BALD EAGLE!!! He must have got tangled and thought our 5th Ave was the river!!!! LOL And it wasn't a young one, it was a mature one - I could see the white head and tail feathers once he got closer and flew over me - so not a bird you would normally think of as getting lost! There I am, sitting at the lights, watching him come towards me from the west, and he flies directly over me, heading east. Cool!!!
Or maybe it was someone giving me a sign?
And then....
I'm just about at work. The car stalls. On the busy street! I crank the steering wheel (no power steering 'cause the car isn't running!) and manage to coast around the corner. I'm about 100 feet from my work. I try everything to get it going again. It's dead!! I call Dave immediately. 3 guys from my building push me out of the way of incoming traffic, I go into work, and Dave manages to get it going and leaves me the truck and takes the car. Guess I need a new battery. But how weird is that?? It started just fine. Ran just fine. And then died. BUT he was able to boost the dumb thing. Oh, what a MONDAY!!
Monday, November 27, 2006
2 weeks!! Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump
Okay, so last weekend, I dragged Colin to Writing-On-Stone - this weekend, I really, REALLY wanted to go to Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump on Saturday. BUT, the weather turned nasty, so we didn't. :-(
I go darned near every year around November 25th, they have this great "Christmas Open House". They have crafts made by native peoples, and a mini grand entry, and the guys sitting around a huge drum, pounding the "poop" out of it, and they've had this fantastic hoop dancer (girl) there once or twice. This year they were going to have the World Champion (an Alberta boy) there performing the hoop dance. So ya, I really would have liked to go. And it's the ONLY time it's free to go into the Interpretive Centre!! Even better! But the temperatures went down and down and down, and there was blowing snow.... I decided against it. Darn it anyway! Oh well, there is always next year!
I go darned near every year around November 25th, they have this great "Christmas Open House". They have crafts made by native peoples, and a mini grand entry, and the guys sitting around a huge drum, pounding the "poop" out of it, and they've had this fantastic hoop dancer (girl) there once or twice. This year they were going to have the World Champion (an Alberta boy) there performing the hoop dance. So ya, I really would have liked to go. And it's the ONLY time it's free to go into the Interpretive Centre!! Even better! But the temperatures went down and down and down, and there was blowing snow.... I decided against it. Darn it anyway! Oh well, there is always next year!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
One week
Okay, so it's been one week TODAY that I've had Colin staying here. The first few days were nasty - for him. He decided to detox himself. Egads, he had a seisure on Monday nite, after we had gone to bed. He showed me his tongue the next day. All purple - back where his molars had bitten it. Eeeeeewwwwwww. And then the shakes he had... holy smokes! His hands were just vibrating! And he didn't have enough strength to even manage the stairs - so he has stayed downstairs for almost the whole week. I'd bring him food and liquids (he drank LOTS of Gatorade and orange juice and cranberry juice) But it's been a week, and already he is looking better. And walking more, rather than just shuffling like an old, old man.
Onwards and upwards......
Today, the dear sister that I am... I dragged his sorry ass down to Writing-On-Stone. I was hoping to see some antelope, or eagles, or even a coyote on the way down there. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. (hunting season, ya know!) And by time we got down there, the wind really decided to blow, and man, it blew!!
But we hiked up and down the trail to the west, and saw the pictographs (rock paintings) - barely, and saw a few petroglyphs (rock carvings).

These are not natural steps, or even ancient steps. LOL They've been carved into the rock on the path that you can take. But they looked really cool, so I had to take a picture of them!

This is a view to the west - you can see the trail we took....

This looks like a cool cave... okay, so I can get my entire body inside of it, but it doesn't go very deeply into the rock.

According to the Self-guided trail brochure:
Native people came here for more than berries and shelter. On the cliffs above you, petroglyphs (rock carvings) tell of the spiritual lives of the native people who once camped here. If you look carefully, you will see animals, including two Bison (I think that's the pointy shape on the left), and several bear paws (top right) or tracks incised in the sandstone. The bison and bear were both sacred animals; perhaps native elders carved these petroglyphs as part of a ceremony.
WOS was a sacred place for the Blackfoot People, and they often claimed the rock art was the work of the spirit world. The strange hoodoos, and the mysterious carvings on the cliffs filled the people with reverence, and even fear. They came here to seek spiritual guidance, and to determine their fate by interpreting the rock art. Much of the rock art may have been created as part of rituals and vision quests.
(and I read somewhere years ago, that perhaps it was just "teenagers" from ancient times, who did grafiti on the rocks, nothing "sacred" about it at all - which I thought was hilarious when I read it!)

When we got back to the campground, he went to the washroom. Now I get to see a bush bunnie and a mule deer. But by time he got back to me, they had gone.
I seriously had plans to do a smudge with him / on him. But damned if there weren't other people there! Jeezzzz............!!
I started a fire in the cookhouse stove - meant to bring some weenies with me, but forgot. And I threw a smudge stick in the flames, just before we left. So I guess you could say we smudged.
But get this....
As we were loading stuff back up into the car, he takes his "safety" bottle, the one with that last ounce, out of his knapsack, and throws it in the garbage that we are parked beside. A symbolic gesture for him. I was pleasantly surprised at it. Good for him! Crossing my fingers that THIS time, being sober "takes".
Onwards and upwards......
Today, the dear sister that I am... I dragged his sorry ass down to Writing-On-Stone. I was hoping to see some antelope, or eagles, or even a coyote on the way down there. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. (hunting season, ya know!) And by time we got down there, the wind really decided to blow, and man, it blew!!
But we hiked up and down the trail to the west, and saw the pictographs (rock paintings) - barely, and saw a few petroglyphs (rock carvings).

These are not natural steps, or even ancient steps. LOL They've been carved into the rock on the path that you can take. But they looked really cool, so I had to take a picture of them!

This is a view to the west - you can see the trail we took....

This looks like a cool cave... okay, so I can get my entire body inside of it, but it doesn't go very deeply into the rock.

According to the Self-guided trail brochure:
Native people came here for more than berries and shelter. On the cliffs above you, petroglyphs (rock carvings) tell of the spiritual lives of the native people who once camped here. If you look carefully, you will see animals, including two Bison (I think that's the pointy shape on the left), and several bear paws (top right) or tracks incised in the sandstone. The bison and bear were both sacred animals; perhaps native elders carved these petroglyphs as part of a ceremony.
WOS was a sacred place for the Blackfoot People, and they often claimed the rock art was the work of the spirit world. The strange hoodoos, and the mysterious carvings on the cliffs filled the people with reverence, and even fear. They came here to seek spiritual guidance, and to determine their fate by interpreting the rock art. Much of the rock art may have been created as part of rituals and vision quests.
(and I read somewhere years ago, that perhaps it was just "teenagers" from ancient times, who did grafiti on the rocks, nothing "sacred" about it at all - which I thought was hilarious when I read it!)

When we got back to the campground, he went to the washroom. Now I get to see a bush bunnie and a mule deer. But by time he got back to me, they had gone.
I seriously had plans to do a smudge with him / on him. But damned if there weren't other people there! Jeezzzz............!!
I started a fire in the cookhouse stove - meant to bring some weenies with me, but forgot. And I threw a smudge stick in the flames, just before we left. So I guess you could say we smudged.
But get this....
As we were loading stuff back up into the car, he takes his "safety" bottle, the one with that last ounce, out of his knapsack, and throws it in the garbage that we are parked beside. A symbolic gesture for him. I was pleasantly surprised at it. Good for him! Crossing my fingers that THIS time, being sober "takes".
Sphynx kitten

These pics were taken on Friday at my work - one of the guys there had his sister bring in her Sphynx kitty to show me. Her name is Isis and she's about 8 months old. Covered with peach fuzz and NO whiskers. And unbelievable how much heat she threw!! She was soooooooo ugly that she was cute. Does that make sense??? LOL She was cuddly and warm and gentle - waaaaaay different from my Brewster!!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Believe it or not, I'm sitting at my pc at work yesterday, and a spider went crawling sideways across one of my notes hanging to the front of me. I'm waaaaaaay better than I used to be with them - I no longer scream and run. Ya, she startled me, I watched her walk over the sheet of paper and disappear behind it. AND I DID NOTHING! I'm soooooo proud of myself! :-)
This morning, I took my little Animal Energies book, and this is what is says about spiders:
Many stories exist about the weaver, Grandmother Spider. In some, she is said to have brought the people the gift of fire. She carried it from the other side of the world on her back in a basket she wove. In others, her webs bind all things together and form the foundation of the Earth. Still other stories talk of Spider as the weaver of the threads of life. Spider's gift is the ability to shape the patterns of one's life. If Spider has crawled into your awareness, it is a reminder that a person's Earth walk should be like a web, balanced and even and cohesive, made according to the design that Creator has given us. Watch the Weaver and see where your life has gaps and snags, and rebuild the web of your life.
So there you have it....
This morning, I took my little Animal Energies book, and this is what is says about spiders:
Many stories exist about the weaver, Grandmother Spider. In some, she is said to have brought the people the gift of fire. She carried it from the other side of the world on her back in a basket she wove. In others, her webs bind all things together and form the foundation of the Earth. Still other stories talk of Spider as the weaver of the threads of life. Spider's gift is the ability to shape the patterns of one's life. If Spider has crawled into your awareness, it is a reminder that a person's Earth walk should be like a web, balanced and even and cohesive, made according to the design that Creator has given us. Watch the Weaver and see where your life has gaps and snags, and rebuild the web of your life.
So there you have it....
Monday, November 13, 2006
Calgary road trip
Well, headed out to Calgary Saturday morning... absolutely gorgeous morning! Blue sky, sun shining, and the mountains I could see in the distance were GORGEOUS!! White snow just a-shining off of them. No snow down here. By time we got to an hour north, we drove into dark, overcast skies. We went from open water to water that was partially frozen over. To water (?) that is now skating rinks, frozen over completely!! And the beginnings of snow on the ground. We get to Caresland.... now it's blowing, and FREAKIN cold, and there is no doubt about it, that's SNOW on the ground!!! Get to Calgary, and there is snow on the rooftops, and the spruce trees. Man, welcome to the North Country!! LOL

Deb & I went shopping at this neat place called Crossroads Market . HOLY SMOKES, it's HUGE!!! LOL Found some cool stainless steel mugs - 5 of them for $10. Not bad!
Deb had ran into her neighbors, they chatted. I wandered. Later on, she said, "Oh, look who's here!". I saw 2 people sitting at a table. The guy had his head down, and the girl didn't look familiar to me. Just thought it was someone else that Deb knew. THEN THE GUY LOOKED UP...........

Okay, so then I became a ninny. I guess because it was so unexpected. I didn't hear anything about him being there, so it was a shock. I barely ever watched North of 60. However, one year we did our JFW Leader's Workshop partly where they would film the show. Does that count for anything? LOL
I did enjoy Tom Jackson's Huron Carole shows, and The Holiday Train has made stops here in town. Pretty cool what he does for people! And that's what he was doing there, sitting at the table. Signing autographs. Raising money for the food bank. He is SUCH a normal person! LOL And freakin TALL and BIG!! Jeez, I felt like a real squirt next to him! Look at the size of his hand on my shoulder!!! But a really, REALLY nice man!

Then Sat. night we went out to Red Lobster. Trina and her friend Kyle came with us. And I PIGGED out on crab. God, I love sea food! LOL
Sunday, up at 5:35 a.m. Great, eh? YUK!!

Sunrise view from D&D's place....
Okay, so this is the day that Colin is supposed to be coming. Dave suggested I call him - but no, he's a big boy. I will NOT treat him like a child - if he's coming, he's coming. Altho, I did go on-line to find out what times the buses were coming in from Banff. I checked at 11 a.m. - a bus had gotten in at 10:30, no sign of him. Next one would be @ 12:45 p.m., then not until 7:10 p.m. Deb & I went out to an antique market, figured we had some time, and who knows, maybe LOTS of time!

This just was a cool pic hanging on the wall in one of the antique "malls" - had to take a pic of it!
Damned if my cell didn't ring at 12:30, and Colin was at the bus station!!
Went down and got him, took him and his stuff back to the house. Man, does he look rough! He's only 34, looks and walks like he's 20 years older. After about a 1/2 hr, I gave him the option to either stay with the guys and watch the race, or come antique shopping with us. Gee, guess which one he choose? LOL I even offered him the bed upstairs if he needed to have a sleep, 'cause he looked rough! Off we went shopping.

Came back, and Colin was sleeping. With all the noise of us returning, he got up soon after. Watched the end of the race until after 5. Had to wait for the KFC to be delivered, ate supper, and got out of Dodge. Didn't get home until just about 9 last night. Long day!
All the way back, Colin sat behind me in the truck. He reeked of booze. Horible smell. Ick. What we don't do for love, eh? Got him in the house, downstairs to his room, showed him where everything is.... Step one is complete. He's here, he's safe, he's still alive! :-) I'm happy with that, for now!

Deb & I went shopping at this neat place called Crossroads Market . HOLY SMOKES, it's HUGE!!! LOL Found some cool stainless steel mugs - 5 of them for $10. Not bad!
Deb had ran into her neighbors, they chatted. I wandered. Later on, she said, "Oh, look who's here!". I saw 2 people sitting at a table. The guy had his head down, and the girl didn't look familiar to me. Just thought it was someone else that Deb knew. THEN THE GUY LOOKED UP...........

Okay, so then I became a ninny. I guess because it was so unexpected. I didn't hear anything about him being there, so it was a shock. I barely ever watched North of 60. However, one year we did our JFW Leader's Workshop partly where they would film the show. Does that count for anything? LOL
I did enjoy Tom Jackson's Huron Carole shows, and The Holiday Train has made stops here in town. Pretty cool what he does for people! And that's what he was doing there, sitting at the table. Signing autographs. Raising money for the food bank. He is SUCH a normal person! LOL And freakin TALL and BIG!! Jeez, I felt like a real squirt next to him! Look at the size of his hand on my shoulder!!! But a really, REALLY nice man!

Then Sat. night we went out to Red Lobster. Trina and her friend Kyle came with us. And I PIGGED out on crab. God, I love sea food! LOL
Sunday, up at 5:35 a.m. Great, eh? YUK!!

Sunrise view from D&D's place....
Okay, so this is the day that Colin is supposed to be coming. Dave suggested I call him - but no, he's a big boy. I will NOT treat him like a child - if he's coming, he's coming. Altho, I did go on-line to find out what times the buses were coming in from Banff. I checked at 11 a.m. - a bus had gotten in at 10:30, no sign of him. Next one would be @ 12:45 p.m., then not until 7:10 p.m. Deb & I went out to an antique market, figured we had some time, and who knows, maybe LOTS of time!

This just was a cool pic hanging on the wall in one of the antique "malls" - had to take a pic of it!
Damned if my cell didn't ring at 12:30, and Colin was at the bus station!!
Went down and got him, took him and his stuff back to the house. Man, does he look rough! He's only 34, looks and walks like he's 20 years older. After about a 1/2 hr, I gave him the option to either stay with the guys and watch the race, or come antique shopping with us. Gee, guess which one he choose? LOL I even offered him the bed upstairs if he needed to have a sleep, 'cause he looked rough! Off we went shopping.

Came back, and Colin was sleeping. With all the noise of us returning, he got up soon after. Watched the end of the race until after 5. Had to wait for the KFC to be delivered, ate supper, and got out of Dodge. Didn't get home until just about 9 last night. Long day!
All the way back, Colin sat behind me in the truck. He reeked of booze. Horible smell. Ick. What we don't do for love, eh? Got him in the house, downstairs to his room, showed him where everything is.... Step one is complete. He's here, he's safe, he's still alive! :-) I'm happy with that, for now!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Damned Earworm!!
Jeez....from what seemed like 1:30 this morning, this song refrain kept "being there" in my head. Seems like I didn't get any sleep! ACK! It's from Nickelback's song: Far Away. I checked out the lyrics this morning, actually, the whole song lyrics work for something else, but the refrain I kept hearing probably is my subconscious regarding Colin......
This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
So far away
(So far away)
Been far away for far too long
So far away
(So far away)
Been far away for far too long
Well, off to Calgary this morning to see Deb & Darryl. Deb & I are going to do some 2nd hand stores - I think she's still looking for old cowboy boots! LOL And I'm always game to check out 2nd hand stores!!
Trina called me last night - her new place is near D & D's; I'm going to try to get us over to her place so I can see it! I then asked her if she wanted to join us at Red Lobster for supper... Hey, the more the merrier! I think she's a little lonely - her and her mom had a falling out a few weeks ago, and I think she's feeling the "aloneness" when something like that happens with a family member.
And in the course of our conversation, she told me about a place in Calgary called Sunrise, but it looks like it's meant for natives, not white folk. Too bad. Oh well, there will be some way to get him help.... Just a second - checked out this site, maybe it IS something he could attend.
Not many people at work know what I am about to embark on - yesterday, I was talking to one of the kids that I'm comfortable with. You know what he asked me? "What are you, the family caretaker?" Never thought of myself that way... but ya, I guess I am. I'm always picking up sick & injured animals.... that's just who I am. LOL
After I spoke to Trina, and Dave got home, we called Kathy up in Yellowknife, 'cause she had sent me a cryptic email about news to tell us. Let's see, Kathy being Kathy - she's moving to Australia, she's moving back to England, she's moving here. None of the above, as it turns out. They are going in with a couple of other guys, and going to open up a body shop up in Yellowknife. They are soooooo excited about this! Good for them!! It's actually going to be THREE shops in one. Restorations. Basic body shop work. And fancy dancy paint jobs with the fancy dancy flames, etc. And she's the President. Gonna keep the boys in line. Do all the books and paperwork. And you know - this IS the perfect job for the both of them. The girl LOVES cars, probably more than alot of guys do. So she's no dummy in that department, that's for sure! Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, eh?
And in all these conversations I've had with these girls - I finally really verbalized my idea of the wedding.... How does a medieval peasant potluck wedding sound? Small, in the back yard. Like 20 people. (Okay, that takes care of Dave's family!) Lots of greenery, vines, flowers. I have tons of chandalier crystals to hang from trees, a huge bag of leftover tea lights from a "new" friend, Renee. Irish & medieval type music playing, drinking from tankards. Mead and ale. Tapestries and banners. BOTH of them could see that kind of wedding for us!! LOL
Okay, bit the bullet, and told Dave my idea. Hmmm.... he didn't say much, and I didn't push it. Give him some time to think about it. It must be a girl thang... LOL
Okay, think I've written enough for now!
This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
So far away
(So far away)
Been far away for far too long
So far away
(So far away)
Been far away for far too long
Well, off to Calgary this morning to see Deb & Darryl. Deb & I are going to do some 2nd hand stores - I think she's still looking for old cowboy boots! LOL And I'm always game to check out 2nd hand stores!!
Trina called me last night - her new place is near D & D's; I'm going to try to get us over to her place so I can see it! I then asked her if she wanted to join us at Red Lobster for supper... Hey, the more the merrier! I think she's a little lonely - her and her mom had a falling out a few weeks ago, and I think she's feeling the "aloneness" when something like that happens with a family member.
And in the course of our conversation, she told me about a place in Calgary called Sunrise, but it looks like it's meant for natives, not white folk. Too bad. Oh well, there will be some way to get him help.... Just a second - checked out this site, maybe it IS something he could attend.
Not many people at work know what I am about to embark on - yesterday, I was talking to one of the kids that I'm comfortable with. You know what he asked me? "What are you, the family caretaker?" Never thought of myself that way... but ya, I guess I am. I'm always picking up sick & injured animals.... that's just who I am. LOL
After I spoke to Trina, and Dave got home, we called Kathy up in Yellowknife, 'cause she had sent me a cryptic email about news to tell us. Let's see, Kathy being Kathy - she's moving to Australia, she's moving back to England, she's moving here. None of the above, as it turns out. They are going in with a couple of other guys, and going to open up a body shop up in Yellowknife. They are soooooo excited about this! Good for them!! It's actually going to be THREE shops in one. Restorations. Basic body shop work. And fancy dancy paint jobs with the fancy dancy flames, etc. And she's the President. Gonna keep the boys in line. Do all the books and paperwork. And you know - this IS the perfect job for the both of them. The girl LOVES cars, probably more than alot of guys do. So she's no dummy in that department, that's for sure! Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, eh?
And in all these conversations I've had with these girls - I finally really verbalized my idea of the wedding.... How does a medieval peasant potluck wedding sound? Small, in the back yard. Like 20 people. (Okay, that takes care of Dave's family!) Lots of greenery, vines, flowers. I have tons of chandalier crystals to hang from trees, a huge bag of leftover tea lights from a "new" friend, Renee. Irish & medieval type music playing, drinking from tankards. Mead and ale. Tapestries and banners. BOTH of them could see that kind of wedding for us!! LOL
Okay, bit the bullet, and told Dave my idea. Hmmm.... he didn't say much, and I didn't push it. Give him some time to think about it. It must be a girl thang... LOL
Okay, think I've written enough for now!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Henry David Thoreau
I know of no more encouraging fact than
the unquestionable ability of man to
elevate his life by a
conscious endeavor.
Henry David Thoreau
the unquestionable ability of man to
elevate his life by a
conscious endeavor.
Henry David Thoreau
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I Believe in You
Today, at lunch, at home, as I've done ever day this week, I've been standing outside and doing a smudge and asking for help from the powers that be....
The thought popped into my head that Colin could use a sweat lodge cleansing - in keeping with our conversation last night.
On my way back to work... this great song came on the radio. Kind of an answer to how I was to work with Colin....
I BELIEVE IN YOU - Amanada Marshall
Somewhere there's a river, looking for a stream
Somewhere there's a dreamer, looking for a dream
Somewhere there's a drifter, trying to find his way
Somewhere someone's waiting to hear somebody say
I believe in you, I can't even count the ways that
I believe in you, and all I want to do is help you to believe in you
Somewhere someone's reaching, trying to grab that ring
Somewhere there's a silent voice, learning how to sing
Some of us can't move ahead, we're paralized with fear
And everybody's listening, 'cause we all need to hear
I believe in you, I can't even count the ways that
I believe in you, and I want to do is help you to believe in you
I will hold you up
I will help you stand, I will comfort you when you need a friend
I will be the voice that's calling I (hold till fade)
I believe in you and there are just so many ways that
I believe in you
Baby, what else can I do but believe in you
I believe in you
All I want to know is you believe - believe in you
That's the big point... does he believe in himself? Okay, answered that question of mine... I need to believe in him!!
The thought popped into my head that Colin could use a sweat lodge cleansing - in keeping with our conversation last night.
On my way back to work... this great song came on the radio. Kind of an answer to how I was to work with Colin....
I BELIEVE IN YOU - Amanada Marshall
Somewhere there's a river, looking for a stream
Somewhere there's a dreamer, looking for a dream
Somewhere there's a drifter, trying to find his way
Somewhere someone's waiting to hear somebody say
I believe in you, I can't even count the ways that
I believe in you, and all I want to do is help you to believe in you
Somewhere someone's reaching, trying to grab that ring
Somewhere there's a silent voice, learning how to sing
Some of us can't move ahead, we're paralized with fear
And everybody's listening, 'cause we all need to hear
I believe in you, I can't even count the ways that
I believe in you, and I want to do is help you to believe in you
I will hold you up
I will help you stand, I will comfort you when you need a friend
I will be the voice that's calling I (hold till fade)
I believe in you and there are just so many ways that
I believe in you
Baby, what else can I do but believe in you
I believe in you
All I want to know is you believe - believe in you
That's the big point... does he believe in himself? Okay, answered that question of mine... I need to believe in him!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
30 minutes
Colin had left a message on my machine at home asking me to call him back - was on the machine when I got home. Had to wait until after 6 to call him back tho - cheaper rates and all that!
It looks like it's gonna happen. Looks like he's coming down here to re-group! He will meet us, probably at the bus depot, on Sunday. He has our cell numbers so he can reach us at Deb & Darryl's.
He's going to do his homework, and find all his necessary paperwork. Like collect his past T4's, guess he hasn't filed for a few years. Gee, go figure! Everything he has will pretty much fit into his knapsack...
I spoke to him about going to Ft Mac Detox centre... that since he has such an aversion to the "god" thing, that if he were to get a chance, maybe he could talk to some native elders - since I'm sure it's quite the high population of native people there. Of course, I may be just way out in left field with that assumption!! But maybe what he needs is to feel connected to the earth under his feet, rather than the heavens above.
Hey, whatever works, however he finds that stillness that he needs....
This time, we spoke for a half hour, and actually said "good-bye" without the phone just going dead. Sweet!!
I then called Paddy.... missed calling him on Sunday. Well, he was at work when I called, I didn't manage to call him BEFORE he went to work! Anyway, told him the good news about Colin being "found", and coming "home", for awhile anyway. I wish my sons could meet Colin, now that they are mostly all growed up. ~big sigh~
Paddy was going to go ski boarding this weekend cause he has 5 days off from school, but it sounds like the plans fell thru. Too bad, 'cause he certainly was excited about it when he was telling me what "might" happen. And the dumb thing is - out of those 5 days off he has... he has to work smack dab in the middle, for just the one day! LOL Isn't life a bitch?!
Okay... man, I don't write for weeks at a time, then every day! Feast or famine, that's me!!
It looks like it's gonna happen. Looks like he's coming down here to re-group! He will meet us, probably at the bus depot, on Sunday. He has our cell numbers so he can reach us at Deb & Darryl's.
He's going to do his homework, and find all his necessary paperwork. Like collect his past T4's, guess he hasn't filed for a few years. Gee, go figure! Everything he has will pretty much fit into his knapsack...
I spoke to him about going to Ft Mac Detox centre... that since he has such an aversion to the "god" thing, that if he were to get a chance, maybe he could talk to some native elders - since I'm sure it's quite the high population of native people there. Of course, I may be just way out in left field with that assumption!! But maybe what he needs is to feel connected to the earth under his feet, rather than the heavens above.
Hey, whatever works, however he finds that stillness that he needs....
This time, we spoke for a half hour, and actually said "good-bye" without the phone just going dead. Sweet!!
I then called Paddy.... missed calling him on Sunday. Well, he was at work when I called, I didn't manage to call him BEFORE he went to work! Anyway, told him the good news about Colin being "found", and coming "home", for awhile anyway. I wish my sons could meet Colin, now that they are mostly all growed up. ~big sigh~
Paddy was going to go ski boarding this weekend cause he has 5 days off from school, but it sounds like the plans fell thru. Too bad, 'cause he certainly was excited about it when he was telling me what "might" happen. And the dumb thing is - out of those 5 days off he has... he has to work smack dab in the middle, for just the one day! LOL Isn't life a bitch?!
Okay... man, I don't write for weeks at a time, then every day! Feast or famine, that's me!!
Email to Colin today....
Good Morning Colin!
Hope your night went well..... bbbbrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! LOL I'm still envious!!!! Can hardly wait to see the pics!!!!
Okay, so here's the scoop....
I started with Alberta Registries upstairs in our building. Linda was very helpful and sent me to Astro Registries. I called them - they are only the next block over. Unfortunately, you will have to apply for your own birth certificate. And your Manitoba license should work for ID - we just need you HERE to go there.
I then called AADAC for information regarding a detox centre. We have one, just in Fort Macleod - half an hour west of here. Very nice little town. I called them, they won't book a bed ahead of time, but you can usually call a day before to get in. Very nice and helpful people!
She is going to send me an application form for you to fill out. You will need 3 pieces of ID.
- Birth Certificate, which we will have in the works....
- Driver's License - sounds like your MB one will suffice...
- And some kind of bill addressed to you, with an Alberta address. Any cell phone bills? Cable? Maybe even your pay stubb would work? If it has your "home" address on it?? And I'm thinking - if you have one from MONTHS ago - there would be NO disputing that you've lived in Alberta for months now. Hell, even years...!
All this info by 9:30 a.m. today - not bad, eh?
I don't want you to get discouraged because some of this stuff will take some time, maybe. Remember, "baby steps". And I don't care WHO said it, I'm saying it now!!! LOL
Good luck! Crossing my fingers that this will all come together for you!!
Then as I'm driving home for lunch, this song comes on the radio, and I get all teary. It's called "How to Save a Life" by The Fray. I saw the video of it on tv a week or so ago - it's been used on Gray's Anatomy. Who'd have thunk...
Here are the lyrics:
"How To Save A Life"
Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
And you begin to wonder why you came
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
Hope your night went well..... bbbbrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! LOL I'm still envious!!!! Can hardly wait to see the pics!!!!
Okay, so here's the scoop....
I started with Alberta Registries upstairs in our building. Linda was very helpful and sent me to Astro Registries. I called them - they are only the next block over. Unfortunately, you will have to apply for your own birth certificate. And your Manitoba license should work for ID - we just need you HERE to go there.
I then called AADAC for information regarding a detox centre. We have one, just in Fort Macleod - half an hour west of here. Very nice little town. I called them, they won't book a bed ahead of time, but you can usually call a day before to get in. Very nice and helpful people!
She is going to send me an application form for you to fill out. You will need 3 pieces of ID.
- Birth Certificate, which we will have in the works....
- Driver's License - sounds like your MB one will suffice...
- And some kind of bill addressed to you, with an Alberta address. Any cell phone bills? Cable? Maybe even your pay stubb would work? If it has your "home" address on it?? And I'm thinking - if you have one from MONTHS ago - there would be NO disputing that you've lived in Alberta for months now. Hell, even years...!
All this info by 9:30 a.m. today - not bad, eh?
I don't want you to get discouraged because some of this stuff will take some time, maybe. Remember, "baby steps". And I don't care WHO said it, I'm saying it now!!! LOL
Good luck! Crossing my fingers that this will all come together for you!!
Then as I'm driving home for lunch, this song comes on the radio, and I get all teary. It's called "How to Save a Life" by The Fray. I saw the video of it on tv a week or so ago - it's been used on Gray's Anatomy. Who'd have thunk...
Here are the lyrics:
"How To Save A Life"
Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
And you begin to wonder why you came
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
33 minutes
Colin called me again last night!! He wants me to see how he can get his birth certificate, his Alberta Health Care, and a detox centre for him to get in to. We managed to speak for 33 minutes before his phone went dead. Those darn "pay as you go" phones!! ~big sigh~
He said he was calling from the top of Rundell Mountain. He was quite proud of himself. He was cold, and it was windy. He had his video camera set on a tripod. His tent was set up. And he brought his JD. Sure, just what he needed - let's thin your blood when you are doing something extreme!! And yes, I said that to him!! LOL
I told him he was on a "vision quest". A time to go inwards. He said his body is tired. His mind is tired. He sounds low. I don't believe in the God of the church and the bible, but I do believe in a higher power. Guess you could say I'm more "spiritual" than "religious". I've been asking for strength for the two of us to get through this....
Oh, and by the way.... looks like he is willing to be picked up on Sunday in Calgary!! Dave & I went to 15% Tuesday last night at Safeway, and bought FOOD galore!! Dave is such a sweetheart... he's even buying extra deoderant and toothbrushes and shampoo for Colin.
I did try to call Tim yesterday to tell him that I had heard from Colin (before I got call #2), but I star 67'd it. 'Cause I know how they work - 10 to 1 they have a call display phone and I didn't want to give them a heads up. Well, they don't have an answering machine... I let it ring and ring and ring, until I had to answer a call here at work. Oh well, their loss.
did I say something back in the beginning of September how I had been enjoying the peace & quiet & calm???? LOL
Colin called me again last night!! He wants me to see how he can get his birth certificate, his Alberta Health Care, and a detox centre for him to get in to. We managed to speak for 33 minutes before his phone went dead. Those darn "pay as you go" phones!! ~big sigh~
He said he was calling from the top of Rundell Mountain. He was quite proud of himself. He was cold, and it was windy. He had his video camera set on a tripod. His tent was set up. And he brought his JD. Sure, just what he needed - let's thin your blood when you are doing something extreme!! And yes, I said that to him!! LOL
I told him he was on a "vision quest". A time to go inwards. He said his body is tired. His mind is tired. He sounds low. I don't believe in the God of the church and the bible, but I do believe in a higher power. Guess you could say I'm more "spiritual" than "religious". I've been asking for strength for the two of us to get through this....
Oh, and by the way.... looks like he is willing to be picked up on Sunday in Calgary!! Dave & I went to 15% Tuesday last night at Safeway, and bought FOOD galore!! Dave is such a sweetheart... he's even buying extra deoderant and toothbrushes and shampoo for Colin.
I did try to call Tim yesterday to tell him that I had heard from Colin (before I got call #2), but I star 67'd it. 'Cause I know how they work - 10 to 1 they have a call display phone and I didn't want to give them a heads up. Well, they don't have an answering machine... I let it ring and ring and ring, until I had to answer a call here at work. Oh well, their loss.
did I say something back in the beginning of September how I had been enjoying the peace & quiet & calm???? LOL
My baby brother!
The phone rang about 7:20 last night. I was teasing Dave as I went to answer it, that it must be his mom. (family joke) Even as I was reaching for the phone, I was making comments about telemarketeders.... Sure enough, when I answer the phone, this fella asks if this is Cynthia. Well, what else am I going to say? So sure, ya, it's me. Then it gets weird... 'cause now I'm knowing this voice, which sounds very much like Paddy's voice, but not. If that makes any sense! Turns out it's Colin, my baby brother!! I think the last time I spoke to him was when I was in my basement suite - jeez, it's gotta to be 6 or 7 years. Or did I talk to him when I was in my house? I can't recall - the point is, it's been tooooooo long!!
He was calling me from Banff, from the Y. We spoke for 49 minutes, before his phone went dead. My head is still reeling!! I offered him a place to crash for a week or two if he wants, cause right now he seems to be between jobs. We are going to Calgary this weekend... if he can get there by Sunday, we can pick him up and bring him home for some time to re-group.
Yes, he's still fighting the bottle. He's only 34, but it sounds like his liver is so getting wrecked, and sometimes he'll have seizures. And there isn't much I can do for him. Logically, I know that. That this is a fight he has to win by himself. Doesn't help my heart tho. I just don't know what to do for him.... ~big sigh~
Anyway, we had a really great talk. We both got caught up with stuff. I miss him...
Well, the good news is that he is STILL ALIVE!!! See, told you there was a reason I kept my phone number when I moved to Dave's house!!! :-))))))
He was calling me from Banff, from the Y. We spoke for 49 minutes, before his phone went dead. My head is still reeling!! I offered him a place to crash for a week or two if he wants, cause right now he seems to be between jobs. We are going to Calgary this weekend... if he can get there by Sunday, we can pick him up and bring him home for some time to re-group.
Yes, he's still fighting the bottle. He's only 34, but it sounds like his liver is so getting wrecked, and sometimes he'll have seizures. And there isn't much I can do for him. Logically, I know that. That this is a fight he has to win by himself. Doesn't help my heart tho. I just don't know what to do for him.... ~big sigh~
Anyway, we had a really great talk. We both got caught up with stuff. I miss him...
Well, the good news is that he is STILL ALIVE!!! See, told you there was a reason I kept my phone number when I moved to Dave's house!!! :-))))))
Monday, November 06, 2006
Chief Clarence Louie
Rc'd this email from a friend of mine this morning....
Subject: Fw: Native Wake up.
Chief Clarence Louie - Speaking to a large aboriginal conference and some of the attendees, including a few who hold high office, have straggled in.
"I can't stand people who are late", he says into the microphone. "Indian Time doesn't cut it." Some giggle, but no one is quite sure how far he is going to go.
"Just sit back and listen:
My first rule for success is 'Show up on time'.
My No. 2 rule for success is follow Rule No. 1.
If your life sucks, it's because you suck.
Quit your sniffling.
Join the real world. Go to school, or get a job.
Get off of welfare. Get off your butt."
He pauses, seeming to gauge whether he dare, then does.
"People often say to me, 'How you doin'?' Geez I'm working with Indians, what do you think?"
Now they are openly laughing ... applauding. Clarence Louie is everything that was advertised and more.
"Our ancestors worked for a living," he says. "So should you."
He is, fortunately, aboriginal himself. If someone else stood up and said these things - the white columnist standing there with his mouth open, for example - you'd be seen as a racist. Instead, Chief Clarence Louie is seen, increasingly, as one of the most interesting and innovative native leaders in the country even though he avoids national politics.
He has come here to Fort McMurray because the aboriginal community needs, desperately, to start talking about economic development and what all this multibillion-dollar oil madness might mean, for good and for bad.
Clarence Louie is chief and CEO of the Osoyoos Band in British Columbia's South Okanagan. He is 44 years old, though he looks like he would have been an infant when he began his remarkable 20-year-run as chief. He took a band that had been declared bankrupt and taken over by Indian Affairs and he has turned in into an inspiration.
In 2000, the band set a goal of becoming self-sufficient in five years. They're there.
The Osoyoos, 432 strong, own, among other things, a vineyard, a winery, a golf course and a tourist resort, and they are partners in the Baldy Mountain ski development. They have more businesses per capita than any first nation in Canada.
There are not only enough jobs for everyone, there are so many jobs being created that there are now members of 13 other tribal communities working for the Osoyoos. The little band contributes $40-million a year to the area economy.
Chief Louie is tough. He is as proud of the fact that his band fires its own people as well as hires them. He has his mottos pasted throughout the Rez. He believes there is no such thing as consensus, that there will always be those who disagree. And, he says, he is milquetoast compared to his own mother when it comes to how today's lazy aboriginal youth, almost exclusively male, should be dealt with.
"Rent a plane," she told him, "and fly them all to Iraq. Dump 'em off and all the ones who make it back are keepers." Right on, Mom.
The message he has brought here to the Chipewyan, Dene and Cree who live around the oil sands is equally direct: Get involved, create jobs and meaningful jobs, not just window dressing for the oil companies.
The biggest employer, he says, shouldn't be the band office.
He also says the time has come to get over it. No more whining about
100-year-old failed experiments. No foolishly looking to the Queen to protect rights.
Louie says aboriginals here and along the Mackenzie Valley should not look at any sharing in development as rocking-chair money but as investment opportunity to create sustainable businesses. He wants them to move beyond entry-level jobs to real jobs they earn all the way to the boardrooms. He wants to see business manners develop: showing up on time, working extra hours. The business lunch, he says, should be drive through, and then right back at it.
"You're going to lose your language and culture faster in poverty than you will in economic development", he says to those who say he is ignoring tradition.
Tough talk, at times shocking talk given to the audience, but on this day in this community, they took it and, judging by the response, they loved it.
"Eighty per cent like what I have to say," Louie says, "twenty per cent don't. I always say to the 20 per cent, 'Get over it.' Chances are you're never going to see me again and I'm never going to see you again. Get some counseling."
The first step, he says, is all about leadership. He prides himself on being a stay-home chief who looks after the potholes in his own backyard and wastes no time running around fighting 100-year-old battles.
The biggest challenge will be how you treat your own people.
Blaming government? That time is over.
Okay, so what I always do nowadays,when I get these kind of emails... I check them out! LOL Well, damned if this isn't true!! Chief Clarence Louie really does exist!! This is another good site to read about him.
What a guy!!
Subject: Fw: Native Wake up.
Chief Clarence Louie - Speaking to a large aboriginal conference and some of the attendees, including a few who hold high office, have straggled in.
"I can't stand people who are late", he says into the microphone. "Indian Time doesn't cut it." Some giggle, but no one is quite sure how far he is going to go.
"Just sit back and listen:
My first rule for success is 'Show up on time'.
My No. 2 rule for success is follow Rule No. 1.
If your life sucks, it's because you suck.
Quit your sniffling.
Join the real world. Go to school, or get a job.
Get off of welfare. Get off your butt."
He pauses, seeming to gauge whether he dare, then does.
"People often say to me, 'How you doin'?' Geez I'm working with Indians, what do you think?"
Now they are openly laughing ... applauding. Clarence Louie is everything that was advertised and more.
"Our ancestors worked for a living," he says. "So should you."
He is, fortunately, aboriginal himself. If someone else stood up and said these things - the white columnist standing there with his mouth open, for example - you'd be seen as a racist. Instead, Chief Clarence Louie is seen, increasingly, as one of the most interesting and innovative native leaders in the country even though he avoids national politics.
He has come here to Fort McMurray because the aboriginal community needs, desperately, to start talking about economic development and what all this multibillion-dollar oil madness might mean, for good and for bad.
Clarence Louie is chief and CEO of the Osoyoos Band in British Columbia's South Okanagan. He is 44 years old, though he looks like he would have been an infant when he began his remarkable 20-year-run as chief. He took a band that had been declared bankrupt and taken over by Indian Affairs and he has turned in into an inspiration.
In 2000, the band set a goal of becoming self-sufficient in five years. They're there.
The Osoyoos, 432 strong, own, among other things, a vineyard, a winery, a golf course and a tourist resort, and they are partners in the Baldy Mountain ski development. They have more businesses per capita than any first nation in Canada.
There are not only enough jobs for everyone, there are so many jobs being created that there are now members of 13 other tribal communities working for the Osoyoos. The little band contributes $40-million a year to the area economy.
Chief Louie is tough. He is as proud of the fact that his band fires its own people as well as hires them. He has his mottos pasted throughout the Rez. He believes there is no such thing as consensus, that there will always be those who disagree. And, he says, he is milquetoast compared to his own mother when it comes to how today's lazy aboriginal youth, almost exclusively male, should be dealt with.
"Rent a plane," she told him, "and fly them all to Iraq. Dump 'em off and all the ones who make it back are keepers." Right on, Mom.
The message he has brought here to the Chipewyan, Dene and Cree who live around the oil sands is equally direct: Get involved, create jobs and meaningful jobs, not just window dressing for the oil companies.
The biggest employer, he says, shouldn't be the band office.
He also says the time has come to get over it. No more whining about
100-year-old failed experiments. No foolishly looking to the Queen to protect rights.
Louie says aboriginals here and along the Mackenzie Valley should not look at any sharing in development as rocking-chair money but as investment opportunity to create sustainable businesses. He wants them to move beyond entry-level jobs to real jobs they earn all the way to the boardrooms. He wants to see business manners develop: showing up on time, working extra hours. The business lunch, he says, should be drive through, and then right back at it.
"You're going to lose your language and culture faster in poverty than you will in economic development", he says to those who say he is ignoring tradition.
Tough talk, at times shocking talk given to the audience, but on this day in this community, they took it and, judging by the response, they loved it.
"Eighty per cent like what I have to say," Louie says, "twenty per cent don't. I always say to the 20 per cent, 'Get over it.' Chances are you're never going to see me again and I'm never going to see you again. Get some counseling."
The first step, he says, is all about leadership. He prides himself on being a stay-home chief who looks after the potholes in his own backyard and wastes no time running around fighting 100-year-old battles.
The biggest challenge will be how you treat your own people.
Blaming government? That time is over.
Okay, so what I always do nowadays,when I get these kind of emails... I check them out! LOL Well, damned if this isn't true!! Chief Clarence Louie really does exist!! This is another good site to read about him.
What a guy!!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Quote on Dogs
Cleaning up bits & pieces of paper... man, do I EVER throw anything out????! Anyway, came across this - now that it is here, the paper is going into the garbage!! LOL
"Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative."
Like that!
Then there is this one...
"The things you remember most.... aren't things."
Yup, yup, yup.
"Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative."
Like that!
Then there is this one...
"The things you remember most.... aren't things."
Yup, yup, yup.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Good Mother Jann Arden
Monday & Wednesday - haven't heard this song for a very long time, then I hear it twice, almost in a row! Thought it was time to put the lyrics here... it was one of those songs that helped keep me sane thru the MS and "D" thangs...
I've got money in my pocket
I like the color of my hair
I've got a friend who loves me
Got a house, I've got a car
I've got a Good Mother
And her voice is what keeps me here
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Facing forward
Be yourself
I've never wanted anything
No I've, no I've, I've never wanted anything
So bad
Cardboard masks of all the people
I've been
Thrown out with all the rusted, tangled
Dented God damned miseries
You could say I'm hard to hold
But if you knew me you'd know
I've got a Good Father
And his strength is what makes me cry
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Facing forward
Be yourself
I've never wanted anything
No I've, no I've, I've never
Wanted anything so bad...
So bad
I've got money in my pocket
I like the color of my hair
I've got a friend who loves me
Got a house, I've got a car
I've got a Good Mother
And her voice is what keeps me here
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Facing forward
Be yourself
Heart in hand
Feet on ground
Facing forward
Be yourself
Just be yourself
Just be yourself
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
My Good Mother is Mother Nature, and my Good Father is the Creator - again, nature based, native based, animal based. Ya, wonky, I know, but it works for me! :-)
I've got money in my pocket
I like the color of my hair
I've got a friend who loves me
Got a house, I've got a car
I've got a Good Mother
And her voice is what keeps me here
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Facing forward
Be yourself
I've never wanted anything
No I've, no I've, I've never wanted anything
So bad
Cardboard masks of all the people
I've been
Thrown out with all the rusted, tangled
Dented God damned miseries
You could say I'm hard to hold
But if you knew me you'd know
I've got a Good Father
And his strength is what makes me cry
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Facing forward
Be yourself
I've never wanted anything
No I've, no I've, I've never
Wanted anything so bad...
So bad
I've got money in my pocket
I like the color of my hair
I've got a friend who loves me
Got a house, I've got a car
I've got a Good Mother
And her voice is what keeps me here
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Facing forward
Be yourself
Heart in hand
Feet on ground
Facing forward
Be yourself
Just be yourself
Just be yourself
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
My Good Mother is Mother Nature, and my Good Father is the Creator - again, nature based, native based, animal based. Ya, wonky, I know, but it works for me! :-)
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