Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My favorite Bird Books

Two books that I use to do "research" on the birds I see on my walks, camping trips, hikes - or wonderful feathers that are gifted to me!!

"Birds of Alberta" by John Acorn (the Nature Nut) and Chris Fisher by Lone Pine Publishing AND/OR "Field Guide to the Birds of North American" - National Geographic Society. I have other bird books, but these are the two that I use quite a bit. And once I've identified my birds, then the internet is a wonderful tool!! Soooooo much information out there!!

Another great little book is "Animal Energies" by Gary Buffalo Horn Man and Sherry Firedancer. Call me wonky, but my animals that I come across - always seem to answer a question or lighten my load, or show me the way. Yep, time to lock me up! LOL I don't find any animal "spooky", more like a gift from the Great Spirit, the Creator, Mother Earth. I know, I know, I spend toooooo much time outdoors in the bright sun, with a very overactive imagination! But even when I was a little girl, I could whistle to the chickadees, and they would answer me back! Still do. :-)

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