Thursday, February 16, 2006


Owls. Some people see them as bad medicine. Some as good. All thru time, in all cultures. For me... they signify a "big change". A warning of sorts. Usually, after I've seen an owl, something that I didn't "see", happens in the span of about 6 weeks. Sometimes it makes me very nervous, but never afraid.

The biggest "episode" was when I almost hit one, coming home from the lake visiting friends. I was driving. K had been drinking. The boys were in the back seat of the truck. And this great horned owl came swooping in front of the windshield/headlights. Scared the crap out of ALL of us!! It landed on top of a hwy sign, still within the headlight. And sat there, watching us. Within 6 weeks, I had left my home and everything (pretty much) that I held dear. It changed ALL of our lives.

Thru the years, I have documented the stuff that has happened to me, because it ties in with seeing an owl. A friend even once said to me, "no more owls, please!"

Recently, I saw one in the fall at the dog off leash area. Within 6 weeks, Ralph (my cat) had disappeared. Another big change. He had been with me since '98. Got him as a baby when my body was doing strange "ms" things, only I didn't know that at the time. He was my buddy. Would sleep in my hair. Don't ask! LOL I miss him, can't even say for sure that he is dead. Keep checking, 3 months later, at the animal shelter....

Chris and I saw a snowy owl before xmas. They don't seem to effect me like the great horned owls, don't know why. Maybe because they aren't native to our landscape?

On Tuesday, the 14th of February, I was at home "sick" with "burning bum". Again, don't ask!! There I was, on a day and time when I shouldn't have been home, sitting for the first time that day, on the couch in the LR. Whatever made me look out the window at that time? Just a glance, that's all. But what do I see? Yep. An owl. Probably a great horned one. It was big. Flying up from the south, to the east of the house. It swung around into the green strip to the north of us. Sorta circled. Then flew to the northwest. 6 weeks from now takes me to the end of March. So let's see if the sighting holds true again. Another "big change"? I'll keep you posted...

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