Sunday, February 05, 2006

Aunt Jean's emails

My wonderful Aunt Jean sent me the following emails, thought I’d share… She is an amazing computer literate “mature” woman! I’m sure she won’t be far behind getting her own blog! LOL

First one:
Viki gave me the link to your blog and I read it last night, I am impressed with your views, and activities, Good for you!

I keep a journal and have done so for many years, I've got a large drawer full of books for the family to read when I've gone somewhere else, heehee. They have settled many disputes and when anyone needs some history, its there. There was a period during the years we spent in Ont. that I was not keeping a diary and have regreted it.
Life here is good. Hope alls well with you.

Love & Hugs
Jean & Allan

Cool... that you checked out my blog! Impressed with my views? LOL Now I'm scratching my head... oops, what views did I say in there??!!

I used to keep diaries. Scribbler type. More so when I was a teenager. Come across them every now and then... was I ever THAT naive? In love? Hurt? Oh, the pain of being a teenager!! I sooooo like being in my own skin nowadays!! I LIKE who I am now, or at least, most of the time I do!! That's a far cry from back when I was younger!!

Okay, enough of me rambling!
Love and hugs to you both!

Hey! don't you read your own blogs? I found lots of views in there, maybe because I look for them, I like to know what people think! No I'm not a shrink, I just like people.heehee.

Thanks for your note, I love hearing from you. You have a way with words, maybe you should be a writer, Have you ever tried it?

Love from here.

Love from here, Aunt Jean! :-)

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