Weekend of May 17th - Deb S. came down here on the Friday and stayed til Sunday. Went to our "scheduled" 1 p.m. appointment at the tattoo place - BOTH of the tat guys still weren't there by 1:30. Never mind the back up that was happening when we did arrive at NOON!! There were people still waiting for their 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. appointments to see Deb's guy!! And another girl, on her way from Edm. to BC, waiting to see the other tat guy for HER 1 p.m. appointment!! NOT a way to run a business!! So needless to say - we're outta there and will NEVER return!! What is that? I'm an "artist" and I'll show up whenever I want to???? That's a load of crap!! So we went shopping instead!!

Went to our HUGE $1 store. Bought some really cool wine bottle boxes for a buck each. Came home and scrapped the labels off of them, and Deb got hers finished. Repainted the top, and put some dragonfly rubber stamps on the top. DUH, I didn't take any pics, but it turned out so well, that the next day, I zipped back to the $1 store, and bought a bunch of those boxes! Once I get the labels peeled off, and re-painted, and re-designed... great boxes for feathers or xmas presents or something!! LOL

Brewster played his typical "tough guy" role with Deb's dog Katie. Poor Katie, all she wanted to do is play with him. Which he did too, but he'd be an ass and scare the crap out of her. But when she'd be laying down on the couch, he'd walk all over her to get from one person to another. Thought Katie would have a heart attack!!

Then Thursday Dave's neice (and mine too, now!) popped over in the evening for a visit. Was on her way to MB the next day. Had a great visit, as always! Forgot to take out my camera. ~big sigh~ Gotta remember to do that more often!!
Had an early nap yesterday (Sat), and guess who was here when I awoke?? PATRICK!! He decided a road trip was in order, and came to visit his old mom!! All by himself. Got into his little Saturn and away he went!

He hadn't told his father that he was planning this, so I made him text his dad as to his whereabouts! Of course, when his dad called, he caught flak. But I stuck up for his other parent. If no one knows you are on the road, and god forbid, you get in an accident, who has any idea where the hell you are??!!! Like I ever did that when I was a kid either! LOL When you are 17, you are INVINCIBLE, man!!
So we didnt' do much... visited and he showed me his videos on his camera and some crazy vids on the pc. I showed him ALL my photos on the pc. Ate supper. Walked Gracie and Brewster. Which wasn't all that successful. Walking Brewster, that is!!

He went out with some friends. Girls, of course! Knew there was an ulterior motive to come and see me!! I rented some movies. Not much selection at 9:30 on a Sat. nite! Brought home "Yours, Mine, and Ours" and "Zathura".
We watched "Yours, Mine and Ours" with Dennis Quaid. God, I love Dennis Quaid in movies!! :-))) It's another good movie. Not great, but funny. And of course, predictable. Actually, based on a 1968 movie by the same name with Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda. Dave, of course, remembered the original movie. I suck at remembering movies. Now give me lyrics or a note to a song....
Then my good son came home at midnight. No running around until 4 a.m. Gotta like that! Of course, it helped that his "friend" that picked him up had to be home by midnight herself! :-)
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