Friday, June 30, 2006

Canadian Thistle

I know, I know, it's only a thistle! Nasty if you tangle with more than one of them. BUT, they do have pretty flowers!! And if you are a Scotsman...
"Every school-child in Scotland learns the legend of how the thistle, their national emblem, saved the country in the Middle Ages, when the Scots and Norsemen were at war. Under cover of darkness, the Norsemen managed to land unobserved on the coast of Scotland. Removing their boots, they crept on bare feet toward the unsuspecting Scottish army. Suddenly, a sharp cry of pain shattered the stillness: A Norse soldier had stepped on a thistle. Thus alerted to the surprise attack, the Scots sprang into action and drove the invaders from their shores."

And the bees and whatever other kind of bug this is, do seem to love them! (see next picture, remember, I'm still learning how to do this! LOL)

Honeybees are the main pollinators of Canada thistle. Individual plants produce an average of 1500 seeds, but there must be both male and female plants in the vicinity for successful pollination. About 90% of the seeds will germinate within one year, but other seeds can remain viable for about 20 years. Seeds can be blown a half mile in the wind.

Unlike other thistles the male and female flowers appear on separate plants in the Canada thistle. (Male and female parts may appear together, but only one sex is fertile.)

And from Dr. Willard's book "Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Rocky Mountains..."
Preparation & Uses:
The roots of this plant were eaten by the Indians raw, boiled or roasted. They are nutritious but quite flat-tasting when raw. As an emergeny food,
(here is the "Survivor" thang again!) thistles are usefull because they are easy to identify and grow quite abundantly. You have to be careful to peel back the thistles (here comes the leather gloves again!) but this can be done easily with a sharp knife. When peeling the leaves, hold the plant upside down and peel from bottom to top. The resulting central stem is often a sweet and juicy stalk. The immature flower buds are also nice raw or steamed with lemon butter - better than artichoke hearts! (I've never eaten artichoke hearts) The first few times you do this, it helps to recall that artichoke hearts are thistles also!

There's more, but about infusions, so I'll skip that.
(Am I going to get into trouble quoting from his book? I hope not!!)

Street Wheelers Weekend coming soon!

If anyone is interested, we have our famous Street Wheelers weekend coming up on July 14, 15, and 16th.

There is nothing like participating in the ride around town, in the thick of it all. Kinda overheats the cars.... especially our old ones. We usually go out in Dave's '68 Mercury convertible. BUT as soon as it begins to get dark, it's a good idea to get off the streets. That's when the dummies come out with their "fancy" cars. Next thing you know, people get hit from behind, because someone isn't paying attention!

Another good place to watch the "parade" is to grab your lawn chair, and sit on either Mayor Magrath Drive South, or 3 Avenue South. The streets are lined with spectators! When driving, you are bound to see some friends out there, so you wave like crazy to each other!! :-)

Got news the last few days - Kathy and her hubby James (Jim) from Yellowknife are headed down this way, pulling their car on a trailer to participate in Street Wheelers! Sweet!!

This is their Chevelle. I'm not sure of the year or anything, 'cause I'm not really a "car person". Go figure, eh? On their way down here, they are getting work done to it in Edmonton. And then another stop in Calgary to get something else done to it. Aren't I a smart one? I don't have her email handy to tell you EXACTLY what is getting done to what, but I know it'll be cool. :-)

So there will be MORE pics to follow! Have I said lately how much I simply LOVE my camera???!!! LOL

Hey, found her email:
Yep, already checked in with the Street Wheeler people via email. Everything’s ready for our arrival!!.
Tell Dave that ‘all’ the windows are in the car now, in fact its finished now as best as Jim can do it. The interior is being installed in Edmonton next week, and exhaust system being done by Murray in Calgary week after on our way through to Lethbridge.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Brown-eyed Susans

I've always loved these cheerful flowers, waving to ya as you go past them on dusty gravel roads....

Common Gaillardia is a tall plant with hairy, greyish green leaves that are longer at the bottom, then get smaller as they get closer to the flower. This plant with its large (10 cm) yellow flowers is also called the Brown-eyed Susan because of its brown center. It blooms in the late summer months of July and August, growing along the roads and railway tracks and in dry, upland areas.

There are uses for almost every part of the Common Gaillardia. A dressing made of mashed, powdered roots can be smeared on skin conditions, while a tea made of the plant can be used as an eyewash, as nosedrops or rubbed on a nursing mother's sore nipples. Tea made of the root works for curing stomach troubles. A tea made of heads of the flowers can be used as a footwash.

The elders used the large flower heads of the Brown-eyed Susan in creative ways. They were used to absorb the grease off soups and broth, and as spoons for serving food to sick people. The heads of the flowers were rubbed on rawhide bags for waterproofing from the rain and snow and to keep things dry inside. (I may have to try this!) The elders would rub strong medicine teas made from the roots on their horses' saddle sores and places where the hair was falling out. It was also used in their horses' eyes as an eyewash.

But I'm not done yet!!!!

From Terry Willard's, Cl.H.,Ph.D. website. I've met this man once years ago. He is AMAZING!! He sooooooo knows his plants and the uses for them.

Preparation & Uses: The Blackfoot Indians found many uses for this plant. An infusion of the root was taken for gastroenteritis. Saddle sores and falling hair were treated with Gaillardia. The infusion of the root was used as eyedrops, administered in drops. Some Indians would chew the root and apply this to skin disorders. An infusion of the herb parts of this plant was also used as an eyewash and for nosedrops. The flower head was also infused to make a footbath.

To our ancestors, this plant represented the health, earthiness and wholesomeness of the common people. It also represented a gift of liveliness and sunshine from our Mother the Earth.

Until later.....

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Pin cushion cactus / ball cactus

Look at the magic the desert holds for us - those of us who take the time to have a look!!

This is a pin cushion cactus... you would probably never see it if it weren't in bloom! That's how small it is!! And you'd never see it if you were running barefoot acoss the pairie - until you landed on it!!

I read that the fruit is edible. Quite delicious, in fact!! I'm going to have to keep my eye out for it and try one. I'll let you know when I do. IF I'm still alive!! LOL

And I guess you can eat the pulp too. Split it in two and eat the insides. Good ole' Mother Nature, eh? Just make sure you are wearing leather gloves when you attempt it. Or... you can burn the spines off. But really, why would you want to kill this beautiful little plant? When your fridge is FULL of food!! But, it's good to know, if you ever go on Survivor or get lost!!

Dragon Boat Races

We have our Dragon Boat Festival coming up pretty darn quick.. My work has 7 people on a team of 23. We've been involved for the last few years, and as much as I LOVE drums (and they whale on them, I can hear them all the way to our house!), I haven't gone yet. It's that darn heat!! Can't stand it!! GGRRRR!!!!

Anyway, maybe this year I'll go down, and snap some pics, just for my blog! :-) But I'll go first thing in the morning!!

Desperation quote

Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape.
~ William S. Burroughs ~
1914-1997, American Writer

Been there, done that!!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

In just one week!

Wow! Been busy around here!

Weekend of May 17th - Deb S. came down here on the Friday and stayed til Sunday. Went to our "scheduled" 1 p.m. appointment at the tattoo place - BOTH of the tat guys still weren't there by 1:30. Never mind the back up that was happening when we did arrive at NOON!! There were people still waiting for their 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. appointments to see Deb's guy!! And another girl, on her way from Edm. to BC, waiting to see the other tat guy for HER 1 p.m. appointment!! NOT a way to run a business!! So needless to say - we're outta there and will NEVER return!! What is that? I'm an "artist" and I'll show up whenever I want to???? That's a load of crap!! So we went shopping instead!!

Went to our HUGE $1 store. Bought some really cool wine bottle boxes for a buck each. Came home and scrapped the labels off of them, and Deb got hers finished. Repainted the top, and put some dragonfly rubber stamps on the top. DUH, I didn't take any pics, but it turned out so well, that the next day, I zipped back to the $1 store, and bought a bunch of those boxes! Once I get the labels peeled off, and re-painted, and re-designed... great boxes for feathers or xmas presents or something!! LOL

Brewster played his typical "tough guy" role with Deb's dog Katie. Poor Katie, all she wanted to do is play with him. Which he did too, but he'd be an ass and scare the crap out of her. But when she'd be laying down on the couch, he'd walk all over her to get from one person to another. Thought Katie would have a heart attack!!

Then Thursday Dave's neice (and mine too, now!) popped over in the evening for a visit. Was on her way to MB the next day. Had a great visit, as always! Forgot to take out my camera. ~big sigh~ Gotta remember to do that more often!!

Had an early nap yesterday (Sat), and guess who was here when I awoke?? PATRICK!! He decided a road trip was in order, and came to visit his old mom!! All by himself. Got into his little Saturn and away he went!

He hadn't told his father that he was planning this, so I made him text his dad as to his whereabouts! Of course, when his dad called, he caught flak. But I stuck up for his other parent. If no one knows you are on the road, and god forbid, you get in an accident, who has any idea where the hell you are??!!! Like I ever did that when I was a kid either! LOL When you are 17, you are INVINCIBLE, man!!

So we didnt' do much... visited and he showed me his videos on his camera and some crazy vids on the pc. I showed him ALL my photos on the pc. Ate supper. Walked Gracie and Brewster. Which wasn't all that successful. Walking Brewster, that is!!

He went out with some friends. Girls, of course! Knew there was an ulterior motive to come and see me!! I rented some movies. Not much selection at 9:30 on a Sat. nite! Brought home "Yours, Mine, and Ours" and "Zathura".

We watched "Yours, Mine and Ours" with Dennis Quaid. God, I love Dennis Quaid in movies!! :-))) It's another good movie. Not great, but funny. And of course, predictable. Actually, based on a 1968 movie by the same name with Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda. Dave, of course, remembered the original movie. I suck at remembering movies. Now give me lyrics or a note to a song....

Then my good son came home at midnight. No running around until 4 a.m. Gotta like that! Of course, it helped that his "friend" that picked him up had to be home by midnight herself! :-)


Friday, June 16, 2006

Unexpected Treasures

Finding a feather that
a bird lost from his plumage
is like finding a Treasure!
Always kneel down and take it
as a gift from Nature.
~ Marjolein Bastin ~

My poor baby!

Poor Paddy!! He called me last night (I had just spoken to him the night before). He'd been playing some sport at school in the gym, and crashed his face down on that hard gym floor. Split his chin open. Got 9 stitches! Thank goodness for web cams - it allowed me to see his chin AND the stitches. Told him it will just make him more handsome! Just what a 17 yr old wants to hear from his MOTHER!! LOL

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Milkweed & Monarch Butterflies - did ya know?

Gracie & I were at our wonderful off leash last night, and I took these pics of our incredible MILKWEED. Did some reading about the plant tonight... did you know....?

That the Monarch Butterfly looks for these plants, lays their eggs underneath the leaves, and depends solely on this plant to survive(up here, in the north country)? Because the plant is poison to animals and birds, it makes the butterfly bad too - to them, not us! :-) Cool, eh?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


My darling little cute kitty... has been hitting the trees lately. We had an extension on his leash (which slides along the clothesline), but I had to cut that out when he got into a tree, managed to get out of his harness, and was footloose and fancy free in the trees. So back to the shorter leash, which is still very long. But he's still wanting to get into the trees, quite the little climber this one!!

TODAY.... I come home at lunch time and as usual, I put his harness on him, and put him outside on the line. I had barely turned my back, and UP he went the bushy trees that we have in the side yard. He still had his harness on, but I guess I didn't close the clasp on the leash part. So it's laying there, and he's free. Who knows!

But there he is, tree walking. He'd go higher. I'd call, and he'd sorta/kinda come down. Then up again. And over to further branches. IT'S A GAME!! I'm mentally trying to figure out the whole time, how to get the little bugger out of the trees. BEFORE he ended up on the other side of the fence!! Ya, I could go into the house, and get the garage door key. Unlock the garage. Get the ladder. Get it over to him. Oh wait, move the ladder, 'cause he's gone thata way. Etc. etc. I could just see this being a 2 hr job!! I don't have time for this!!

Don't call SPCA on me, but I turned on the outside tap, took the hose with the sprayer, and proceeded to stream him. So there he is, getting soaked. Crying out in his baby meow. I'd shut it off, but he STILL wasn't coming down, just moving out more on the branches. CRAP!! Hit him again with the water. He's still crying. Lynx (our 7 yr cat) now begins to meow his yowling call, cuz he's upset at what I'm doing to Brewster. Underneath of the water that is coming down. Of course, Gracie has to get into this mellee too. Barking and dancing under the tree! FINALLY, Brewster falls out of the tree. And yes, he landed on his feet, it wasn't that far up! But he lands in the MUD that is underneath the bush. I scooped my poor wet kitty, and brought him in, and held him under the bathtub tap to clean the mud off!! What utter chaos!! Had to call Lynx in, cuz he's now standing in the middle of the yard, still yowling. Guess he missed me grabbing Brewster and flying past him into the house.

Quickly grabbed one of my poor white towels, and rubbed Brewster down. Thank goodness for bleach, 'cause the towel is going to need it!! He was still muddy, even after the quickie bath!! Made sure he was okay, that Lynx was okay (cuz he was pretty upset with the whole thing), and left Gracie chewing her soup bone, and had to hussle my butt back to work.

What am I to do with this guy?????????? I know, maybe I'll just put a net completely over the side yard (it's not a big yard). We've seen those nets at zoos and stuff. Somehow, I can't see Dave going for that idea!! ~big sigh~

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Nanny McPhee and Robots movie review

Watched these movies this weekend. Cute, and some good laughing moments, but nothing I'd rush out to buy. Robin Williams does "Fender" in Robots - Fender is so spastic! So "Robin Williams"!!

I'm still enjoying the feeling that "Under the Tuscan Sun" left me....


Why is a CD 76 minutes, 30 seconds long?

Was watching "History of Pop" late yesterday afternoon on tv. Kim Clarke Champniss
KCC runs Invisible Republic Incorporated, a music management and television production company. Most recently he was the Ontario Government's consultant for the highly successful Concert For Toronto. He is a contributing producer to Bravo's Arts & Minds show. In addition, Kim teaches a history of popular culture at The Harris Institute in Toronto.

He had interesting info regarding the size of a cd. You know, a music disc. Here is why it is the size that it is... (he said 76 1/2 minutes, but oh well...)

During development the target storage capacity for the CD was sufficient for one hour of audio content, and a disc diameter of 11.5 cm was sufficient. However, according to Philips, Sony vice-president Norio Ohga suggested extending the capacity to 74 minutes to accommodate a complete performance of Beethoven's 9th Symphony on a single disk. (KCC said it was because it was this guy's favorite piece)

The Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 is the last complete symphony composed by Ludwig van Beethoven. Completed in 1824, it includes part of the ode An die Freude ("Ode To Joy") by Friedrich Schiller, with text sung by soloists and a chorus in the last movement. It is the first example of a major composer using the human voice on the same level with instruments in a symphony.

There you have it. To make sure that "Ode to Joy" could fit on a cd. :-) I love that piece, even had it played at my wedding back in '81. Well, the music has lasted, even if the marriage didn't! LOL

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Deb S. and DF tat

My good friend Deb S. is coming down next weekend!! JUBBIIII!!!! (that's Danish for yippee!) She wants to get a Dragonfly tattoo, but with celtic knots in it. I've been searching and searching, can't find a CELTIC DF!! I know they are out there, guess I'll have to keep searching, but it's driving me nuts!! Here is a pic of one of my tats - this one I got in Denmark, at tatto-liz's place. Back in 2002. Isn't Liz a cutie????????

Friday, June 09, 2006

Nature Girl

A friend of mine had made this card of me, for me - as you can tell by the date, it's a few years ago! I tried really hard to put it on my main page, but for the life of me, it's just way over my head!! LOL So I thought I'd post here...

Monday, June 05, 2006

Movie Reviews

Hey, finally got to watch some "old" movies on the weekend. First we watched The Chronicles of Narnia. I betcha it's been 40 years since I read the books! It was pretty decent.

Then we watched Flightplan with Jodi Foster. Dave was convinced that she had lost her mind, whereas I was sure that her little girl HAD been on the plane! I was right!! ~doing that happy dance thang~ Another good movie!

Last but not least... Watched Under the Tuscan Sun. Only one "F" word for those of you that don't approve of it. I highly reccommend it! Ya, it's sorta/kinda a chick flick. And I'm sure if I were an 18 year old girl, I wouldn't "get it", but as a woman who has experieced "crap" in her life.... it was a positive, funny, touching movie! It was taken from a book of the same name, based on the author's experiences. I WANT TO READ THIS BOOK!! The author is Frances Mayes. It has to be in a 2nd hand book store somewhere!! And it had an owl in it!! LOL At one point, she does HER "happy dance". ~wink~ You'll know it when you see it, if you watch this movie!! LOL

And if you watch Grey's Anatomy - it has Dr. Shepherd (female) and Christina in it too! Too funny to watch them act completely different characters! VERY completely!
Okay, that's my movie review for the next 6 months! LOL Three decent movies, money well spent!

Remember how I said I LOVE working at my place of employment? Well, here is a perfect example!! This is what Santa does in the summer - comes south to vacation! LOL Actually, this fella lives here, but I teased him today when he showed up wearing this red t-shirt. And he was game to let me take his pic. Believe it or not, his name IS "Nick". Seriously!! God, I love my camera!! LOL

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Brewster at 13 weeks

This darling little kitty that we have had for 5 weeks today, has turned our lives upside down!! His latest thing is waking me up around 5 a.m. Three days ago, it was his wiskers tickling my face. Yesterday, it was him laying across my throat. This morning, and it WAS cute... I got a paw on either side of my neck, and he turned his head sideways, and rested it on my chin. Can we all saw aaaaaahhhhhhh? THEN he decided my chin needed to be washed, so he begins to lick my chin with that rough tongue kitties have. Okay, okay, I'm UP!!