Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Good news!

Been a week of good news and bad news to tell you guys about...

Good news first...
Our truck got found on Monday nite. Basically, it was stolen so they could drive 10 blocks away into another subdivision, and steal our heavy silver tool box out of the truck box (that my Dad gave us!) JERKS! I'm not kidding!! The gas tank still was full. Dave's new, leather, warm gloves were still sitting on the seat. But now the door lock has to be fixed; the steering column and ignition needs to be worked on; a wheel alignment needs to be done. And there is a good sized kinda L shaped scratch in the back bumper. But hey, at least we have our good truck back!!! Yippeee... camping is still on!! LOL

Bad news...
We've been discussing the last few months that it was getting time to put our old dog Shannon to sleep. But neither one of us were quite ready to make that appointment. Earlier this week, she just wasn't eating anymore. So I called and made an appointment for Saturday to do the dirty. I came home from work on Wednesday, I get to the top of the stairs, and there was Shannon, laying on the carpet, twitching, eyes open, no response. Long story short, took her to the vet and had to put her down then. But both of us were with her, talking to her, and she was laying on her blanket, when she passed. And she was 13. Lived a very 9-lives kinda life, so it was okay. It was time.

Bad news....
Ssshhh, don't tell Dave, but I probably got the WORST haircut of my life a few weeks ago. Don't tell Dave, 'cause it was he that bought me a gift certificate to get my hair "professionally" done by an experienced hairdresser, instead of at the beauty school, by students. God, it was horrible!

Good news...
I went Wednesday, on my lunch hour, back to the school. And I tell you, my last 2 cuts there has been great! This one is perfect. Cut shorter in the back, and my curls really pop out. Just long enough to tuck behind my ears or wear a skinny hair band. I REALLY like this cut. Maybe THE style I'll settle with for the rest of my life. Ya, right!! LOL

So, it's been a topsy turvey week.

God, it's weird only have ONE cat, and ONE dog now in our lives. Hard to believe that 4 months ago, we had 4. Two of each. The "zoo" feels kinda empty. Is this what they call the "empty nest" syndromn?

On the 31st, it will be Dave's 50th birthday. I'm doing a "surprise" birthday celebration. And that's been kinda/sorta coming along. Still not EXACTLY sure who will be coming. But hey, I've done most of what I can. Except CLEAN HOUSE - that's this weekend!! And all of next week too. LOL Okay, so I'm not the most "tidy" person out there. Clean freak I'm not! LOL So, let's see how this all turns out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your good news and bad news brings a glad and sorry response, I'm glad your truck is recovered, and sorry about your pet. It is hard to loose them but we have to accept that too. Thinking of you, Jean.