Wednesday, March 01, 2006


In the last few weeks, I qualified with our WONDERFUL radio station, THE RIVER, to win tickets to go see Rob Thomas and Anna Nalick in Calgary on Tuesday, April 4th. At the same time, I won Anna's cd (I already had Rob's!)

Today was the first day of three that they would be calling people who qualified to give away a set of tickets per day. THEY CALLED ME!! I WON!! I'M GOING TO SEE ROB THOMAS IN CALGARY ON APRIL 4TH!!! That's the good news!!

Bad news... Crap, it's just after Dave's surprise birthday weekend, so I should be totally exhausted by that point! It's April 4th - right in the middle of tax season! Which, somedays during this wonderful season, I go to bed at 8:30 p.m.!!! It's a FREAKIN' TUESDAY night!! Won't get home until 1 or 1:30 a.m. from Calgary. And there is NO WAY on God's green earth that I will be able to take Wednesday off!!

But HEY, I DON'T CARE!! My body will just have to suck it up, 'cause I'm going to see Rob Thomas at the Jubilee. ~doing a little happy dance here!~ I'm gonna go see Rob Thomas in Calgary. ~still doing that happy dance!~ Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me... ~singing a happy tune AND doing the happy dance!~

BONUS!: And the tickets were FREE!!!! Free is good. Free is my friend! :-)

~fading off into the sun... doing that happy dance still~

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