Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Paddy's 18th

My darling "baby" son will be turning 18 on Thursday. Man, has the time flown since he was a little one. ~big sigh~

I'm sending his gift via bus today - it's not much. Just some really, REALLY nice men's after shave. One of the kids here at my work wears it, and it is smells wonderful!

Created by the design house of Davidoff in 1988, Cool Water is classified as a refreshing, spicy, lavender, ambery fragrance. This masculine scent possesses a blend of lavender, jasmine, oakmoss, musk and sandalwood.

I thought since he would be 18, some classy aftershave may be just the thing! LOL

I also am sending him cards, LOTS of cards. Two thru the mail, one with his gift, and of course, email cards. Aren't I just the most annoying mother out there?

The one card that I got him was a serious card. I liked it so much, I'm going to put the wording here, for me to remember when I'm old and gray.

A Wonderful Life
Love yourself.
Accept who you are
and make peace
with where you are
at this moment in time.
Don't wait for the wrold's
seal of approval.
Be happy now.
Be your own best friend.
Make time each day
to enjoy the pleasure
of your company.
Do the things that make you smile.
Appreciate the things
that make you "you."
(Inside card - 2nd page)
Try. Take chances.
Trust yourself,
even if you make mistakes.
Life can be messy
and confusing,
but it can also be surprising.
The next rock in your path
might be a stepping-stone.
Remember that joy
is where you find it.
When you don't have
what you want, want what you have.
Make do.
It's a well-kept secret of contentment.
(last part of card, inside)
Know that there aren't
any shortcuts to tomorrow.
You have to make your own way.
It isn't always easy.
It takes a strong spirit,
an open mind,
and a willing heart.
But you have all those...and more.
Life isn't days and years.
It's what you do with time
and with all the goodness
that's inside you.
Make a wonderful life...
The kind of life you deserve.

Thank goodness for Hallmark! 'Cause my words just wouldn't have that special ring to them that these ones seem to have. :-) I have those feelings, but not quite the ability to voice them, not like Hallmark just did for me! Yaaaaa Hallmark! LOL

Speaking of great cards... my GF in Denmark will be celebrating her birthday on the 16th. I've sent her 3 cards via "air" mail, let's see how long it takes before she gets them! But get this.... in Denmark, they don't have the wonderfully worded cards that we have over here. So she absolutely LOVES our cards. I sent one about her age (of course!), another one that was funny (about standing in line to buy the card), and then a serious friendship one. Then of course, the emails ones!

Okay, just babbling now....
ta ta

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so nice to find a card that say's the words you want to say. I always buy the cards for the message inside. You sound like a good Mom. Jean