Thursday, January 12, 2006


My cousin just dealt with her husband's passing, but both services that were held for him sounded like they were a wonderful celebration of his life! We could all be so lucky to have family and friends left to remember us, to laugh and cry at our idiot moments of the past. Raising a glass to Ric - a glass of root beer!! Cheers Ric - a man I should have met, but didn't get a chance to!

In Sept 04 I had to deal with my father's passing - it still leaves me heart worn at times, even after the grieving of the 9 months of his illness, and the year and a bit since. There are times I swear he is with me. Like he's giving me a nudge to say "Hi Kiddo, I'm here!" I still miss him. Does a person EVER completely get over it? I think not. I'm lucky tho, had those 9 months to say "good-bye". To grieve. To laugh. To share memories and pictures. And he had a will, a will to live. To the end, he was still trying to figure out ways to get out of that chair. Still kidding with the nurses (my thanks go out to the hospice in Calgary - AMAZING and wonderful women there!) I love ya pop!

1 comment:

Viki said...

Hey kiddo, thanks for this one. Just got around to editing my blog and setting up your link and stuff. Sorta' not in the mood, and too busy, but hey it's done now. So, also had a chance to read your postings. Have fun with this new form of journal writing. Sun's coming up over the horizon and it's a beautiful day. love ya, V