Thursday, March 15, 2007

Okay, just freaky....

So the wedding. Tentatively booked for August 2, 2008. I'm thinking around suppertime. Still playing with that idea of calling that Alastair MacLean fella, that Marriage Commissioner person that I saw listed. You know, to pre-book for next summer. 'Cause his name works. LOL

And the last few weeks, we've had one of our clients have some sort of dealings with this man. I even looked him up on the net, to get a look see at him. But kept putting off calling him.

Today, a fella by the name of Scott is here to see one of our partners. He wasn't in a hurry to see the partner, 'cause he was still waiting to for someone else to join him, and then they would BOTH see the partner. Well, damned if it wasn't ALASTAIR MAC LEAN!!! Can you believe it???? I mean, what are the chances of him coming here!!

So I asked the guy, are you the 'Alastair MacLean' that performs marriages? Yep, that's him!! Altho, he usually only does the overflow when everyone else is booked up. So we began to talk about what I was looking for. I even had the sample invite that I'm thinking of using here at my desk!! LOL

Well, the fella has even done handfasting ceremonies. Not exactly what I was looking for - a little too much pomp and ceremony for me, altho, I DID check it out!! LOL And he's worn his kilt to perform weddings! He sounded like he was on board!

But..... it's too early to book him, AND, he kinda made a face when I said it was the August LOOOOONG weekend. Altho, he was happy to hear how small it would be - guess he still works full time too. ~big sigh~

BUT... he did give me his number to call him! I'm thinking that he may just be the one to hitch us!! The gods certainly seemed to be pushing me that direction. "If Mohamed won't come to the mountain then the mountain will just have to come to Mohamed." What kind of "coincidence" was that?!!! A sign!! A sign!! LOL

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