Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bad singing!

I chuckled so much when I read this, I just had to put it here to share!

From Annie's Mailbox:
Dear Annie: I smiled when I read the letter from "Pittsburgher with a Dilemma", who asked what could be done about their caring and inspiring rabbi who happens to have an awful singing voice. You made some good suggestions.
Our wonderful parish priest also sings enthusiastically and terribly (into a lapel microphone) at every Mass he officiates. Someone must have mentioned how off-key his singing was, because one Sunday he apologized for any ears he was hurting. He then declared he certainly wasn't going to quit singing at Mass. He said, "God gave me this voice, and I am paying him back!" -- Montanan with No Dilemma

Cracked me up to no end!! Isn't that hilarious??? I'm going to have to remember that line the next time someone complains about MY singing voice!! :-))))

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