Friday, December 15, 2006


Kathy from Yellowknife called a week ago, we had a great chat. Then her Jim spoke to Dave. And offered him a job at their new body shop!! Dave's first response was "No". He was asked to think about it....

But then next day, I get this in the email from her....

Hi Cynthia,
Incase you're wondering about last nights phone call, I'll give you a more updated version, Jim sounded pretty vague when he was talking to Dave!.

Jim has asked Dave if he would be interested in running the restoration division of our company as Jim is considering staying with the government. He has a really good job with them, and gets paid extremely well, has all the benefits etc, so leaving there is not the easiest decision he's ever had to make. Now, with that being said, he has always wanted to own a business, which we now have, but it comes with certain risks, and leaving the government is one of them.

Heres the offer -
Jim is looking for someone to over see all restorations, on a full time basis. Jim would work on a part time basis, fitting it in around his other job. Dave would have management responsiblities, such as revenue control, pricing/quoting, ordering of parts, day to day operations and overseeing any staff hired in the future etc. We are offering an above average salary of $65k/year plus profit share for Lost Legendz Custom Rod, four weeks vacation a year to start, a benefits program that will be coming on line shortly, plus one flight per year out of Yellowknife.

If you wanted to come up for a while, you would have no problem getting a job with your credentials, good administrators are hard to fine, and getting on with the government or the diamond mines pays excellent. Housing is a little pricy, but salaries offset the costs. Even if you only came up for a couple of years, you could probably get all your bills completly paid off, put some in the bank, and go back to Leth with cash - always a nice thing to do. Its only a suggestion, I told Jim you probably would not be interested, but Dave is the first person we thought of, so he's the first one we're offering it to..

Think about it - no rush, no urgency, its not got any time limits to it.


So guess what we have been doing the last week??? Talking about it. Thinking about it. Pros and cons. Checking out sites that are about Yellowknife. Some WONDERFUL pictures of the place - my kind of country!! (except no mountains!) There is only 20, 000 people there. It's COLD. Lots of biting bugs in the summer. But you know, if Dave said "Let's do it", I just may be able to be talked into it!! LOL

But he grew up in Thompson, MB - so he's been there, done that. Don't think he's quite willing to pick up and move. Like Colin said - with a laugh - "You can't even get him to move across town to a different house!" LOL

Altho, I did check out to see what kind of jobs there are. There was one that was posted, administrative, working for like $25/hr. Compared to here.... that's like a million dollars!! Yes, I know.... you have to take into account how expensive it is up there!!! :-)

Anyway, I'm 99.9999999% sure that we won't go up there. But kinda a nice pat on Dave's back, to know that someone wants him for something like this!!



Anonymous said...

But, there's that .00001% and hey who'da thunk I'd live in Alberta!

Owl said...

Yes, and I've learned that using that phrase "Never Say Never" is all tooooo true!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Boy what an opportunity, I just read your blog.Sounds almost too good to pass up.If I were in your place, I'd jump at the chance. Al has a nephew who keeps going back to Yellowknife, He's there for the 3rd time. You don't have to live there forever, and it just might set you well on the way, All I'm asking is to please think it over, What do you have to loose? O.K. now I'll mind my own business. How are you all doing? and we wish you a Very Happy New Year.
Lots of Love, Jean

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Yellowknife....all of the far north, actually. Would have jumped at an opportunity to live there in earlier years. Endako is where we ended up, though. Not too bad.