Thursday, December 21, 2006

Winter solstice

Shortest day of the year - today, the winter solstice happens at 5:23 - tomorrow the days will become longer. Hard to believe, considering we have to get thru January and February still!! LOL

I just did some checking - this is a really good site about the Winter Solstice. Not only did I know about Stonehenge, but I also knew about Newgrange - I love the spirals!! But that's just me - kinda wonky, I know.

There is also lots of info here... about the old ways, and how some people copied them and converted the old ways to fit their new religion. Welcome to Yule! And the person who did the site about the Winter Solstice has a pretty good site regarding Yule too! Somebody's been doing their homework! LOL

But even tho this is our shortest day of the year - we won't have snow for Christmas. I believe it's gonna be another Convertible Christmas this year! Hopefully, I'll take some pics and you'll see what I mean!

Until then (or maybe sooner!)
Enjoy the SHORT day!!

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