Monday, March 24, 2008

Gord Robson passed away...

Gord Robson was one of my favorite announcers on The River, our Lethbridge FM station. He did the morning show, and I won my trip to Denmark with/thru him in 2002. Then he suddenly wasn't there any longer.... either he quit or got fired... and I missed him.

I also listened to him on 630 CHED, when I was a teenager. 630 CHED was THE best radio station ever!! My parents were listening to country AM, with The Farm Report done by Hoss Hammer. So when you discover an AM station that played current music ... it was simply wonderful!! And they would have their listings of the Top 10, or whatever, posted at The Bay, beside the 45's. Man, talk about a walk down memory lane!!

News came thru this morning that he passed away this past Friday in Edmonton. I went digging and found this site, called BC Radio History that is very cut and dried, but with a very good picture of him.

GORD ROBSON (1951-2008)
Veteran broadcaster Gord Robson, whose career spanned five different decades, died last week at his home in Edmonton. He was 56. Robson worked at many Canadian radio stations, including a decade at the legendary CKLG Vancouver

Guess I'll just keep on missing him.....


Len Thuesen said...

I thank the Lord for people like Gord Robson. I was fortunate to spend some excellent time with him.
Peace to Audrey and family.

One of the best has passed on thru

Len Thuesen

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting up a link to my website

if you go to you will see a lot of information on Gord and testimonials.

Jack Bennest

Viki said...

Hey, tap tap tap, anybody in there?