Sunday, October 29, 2006

Catch-up Day!

It's snowing today. Cold and blustery. Crappy. It's a catch-up day, and if you go back, waaaaaay back, thru my blog entries.... you will certainly be able to get up-dated. I had been saving draft copies for specific dates... today, I've been finally able to finish them off and post them!! What a big relief that has been!!

Spoke to Paddy last Wednesday night... he had made himself a Yeti costume out of fake fur to wear for Halloween. Now that's my kid!! He bought pumpkin ORANGE coloured "fur" to make his costume! God, I gotta see pics of this outfit! LOL But his attitude was " I WILL figure this out! " and proceeded to do so. Good for him!! I still haven't figured out what I'm going to be wearing to work on Tuesday.

"My" little cottage was supposed to have an Open House yesterday afternoon. Yippee, now I can go in and take pics, and get that off of my back! LOL Dave calls me from his work (he took my car to the shop to fix my signal light - don't ask!) - guess there's a big sign saying the Open House had been cancelled that he saw when he drove past it. CRAP!! It's probably sold, that's why! Aren't the gods just sooooo funny!

Since the weather was so very warm, altho windy, and the forecast for today was for this yuck stuff - me and the fur kids FINALLY got to do some yard work yesterday!! Weeds pulled, plants trimmed, seeds gathered, leaves raked, tomato plants pulled, rain barrel emptied, etc. etc. What a relief that was to get that done!! So today when it began to snow, I was soooooo ready for it. For once!! YIPPPEEEEEEE!!!! LOL

So now I am sorta back on track.....

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