Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The last day of 2009... and what a year it has been!! Personally, it's been a wonderful year.... for the most part! And that's all we can hope for - that the good stuff outnumbers the bad stuff!! And it certainly did this past year!

I'll start where I left off last time - the wedding. The Medieval Themed wedding! Other than one hiccup, it went as I saw in my mind's eye! The curtained tents, the tables filled with food. Out of 26 people that were in attendance, we only had one couple and a newbie BF of my GF that did NOT dress theme. Dave's aunt & sister and Patrick's friend ended up being our scullery maids, and did an amazing job pulling the food all together, AND cleaning the kitchen!! One thing I did discover was that it was difficult to be the host/hostess and the guests of honour!!!

The weather cooperated - not too hot, a little shower in the afternoon, and cold and crappy the NEXT day! Whew. The pictures turned out amazing, considering we didn't hire anyone. Both of my sons were in attendance, altho we lost Chris after the service until about 11 that night. Boys!

The hiccup part - I hadn't planned on the evening's entertainment to be gift opening, that got kidnapped on me, but oh well... nothing like the guests being bored watching that!! But all in all, it went VERY well!!! :-) So much so... that I want to hold another Medieval Feast next summer. A potluck one, so that everyone brings food. We'll supply all the 'ambiance' - it's not like we don't have tons of that!! LOL And then we can actually relax at that one and just have fun!!

This past year I went on a really large learning curve!!
* I learnt how to sew better than I ever did before.
* I learnt how to manage my iPods.
* I learnt how to make cards - both the announcement and thank you ones
* The big one... I learnt how to work Movie Maker!!
The fourth one - the "invite" to the one I want to hold in 2009....

I can even see how I've gotten better from the first one to the 4th one!!

Then I made this one:
and I'm working on another few. What I like about it is that I can combine my two favorite things - music and photos!

* I've learnt how to 'scrapbook' - which wasn't too big of a stretch because I always did sorta/kinda stuff like that with photos anyway, just not to that extent!! I'm scrapbooking the wedding. I'm now up to 3 books!! Do I EVER do anything small????

Dave gave me for Christmas a Vinylwriter. I know, you are saying, "what the heck is that??!!" Well, the idea is that it will allow me to actually take my records and transfer the music to my computer. It's a USB turntable. I've attempted it, but it's on hold right now. Not as easy as I thought it would be - it's on my list of things to figure out!

The kids are doing well, both the 4-legged ones and my sons.
* Chris has a good job, being the computer guy that he is, working at Roadata Services Ltd. in their IT department. And it's great, because we can communicate with each other, when both of us are at work. And he's great, cuz I can ask his advice on stuff!! He is very helpful!! And he came for the wedding - I wasn't sure that he would!! He and his brother were our witnesses. And he just spent 5 days with us over the xmas break!! What can I say? The kid loves my cooking!! :-) And for christmas, he took the old tapes from his dad's old video camera, and somehow transferred them onto discs for me. Oh, to watch the kids when they were little... his gift brought tears to my eyes!! We've watched 1990 so far - Chris was 4 and Patrick was 1. OMG, they were soooo little!!
* Patrick took a year off from school and worked for a commercial construction company. That had me concerned, cuz sometimes the money begins to look better than furthering your education!! He was saving money for school, and for his trip to Europe! Yep, he did what I've always dreamt of doing!! He went to Ireland. And points beyond. But he started in London, went to Ireland, and just couldn't leave!! Even tho he had all these other places that he wanted to go to, Ireland "got" him!! We stayed in contact the whole time - god, I love the electronic age!!! So here I was, on this side of the big pond, suggesting places for him to go to, and he would go!! He took tons of photos, I kidnapped almost 200 of my favorite shots from his photos - just have to figure out what I'm going to do with them!! He made it home in time for the wedding, he had to cut his trip short, but he came!! :-) And in September, he went off to college!! At this moment in time, he's planning on getting his CA!! Which I just about choked on!! 11 years I've been working at my job, he's heard me complain about tax season, etc., and HE wants to become an accountant!! Go figure!!

The fur kids:
* Lynx is still managing to walk - he hurt his back over a year ago and has limited mobility in his back legs. He can't run, he can't jump fences, has difficulty jumping on the couch or the bed. Easy to keep him in the yard. But Dave cut him a hole in the fence so that he can crawl in or out of the back yard. Or, if I need him to stay in the yard, I just block the hole! He's coming up to be 10 in the next few months, and if he hadn't adopted me, he probably would have been dead by now!
* Brewster is going on 4. And is finally allowing me to cuddle him on my lap!! It's only taken me 3 plus years to do that!! We've trained him on a harness and a line in the yard. Dave strung a clothes line across our front yard from tree to tree and Brewster has the run of the front yard. Which he thinks is great, cuz then he visits with people that walk down the street!! LOL And if I'm working in the back yard, I clip his line onto the clothesline, and he can be out there with me. He's happy, and I'm happy - will not ever lose him!!!
* Gracie. Hard to believe, but she's going on 5. Best damned dog I've ever owned!! That being said - if I ever got another Rotti, my luck they wouldn't have her personality!! Altho, having a Rotti now allows me to be in that "club" - the people that come up to us that either own one or have experienced one all come up to us and we all remark on how wonderful these dogs are! So I'm guessing it's not just her! And I've met other ones - they are, for the most part, better dogs than other breeds. And believe me, at the off leash area, we see some ill-behaved dogs, dorkus dogs, don't listen dogs... and to toot my own horn - Gracie is well behaved, listens well, doesn't get into fights, and stays with me the entire time... she sure shows those other dogs up!! :-) Last February I took her in to the vet to weigh her, before we started doing our regular walking again. She topped out at 115lbs, by July at her yearly visit to the vet, she came in at 105lb. The vet was amazed and asked if I had changed her dog food or what? I replied - EXERCISE!! For both of us!! LOL

Being married...
Doesn't feel any different than before. Go figure, eh? Might have something to do with not changing my last name, not moving anywhere, so other than I can now call Dave my husband.. nothing has really changed. We just made it legal. And I can see me somewhere down the road changing my name, if it becomes a problem legally - let's say the hospital or the States don't recognise that I am his wife - what do I do? Keep a laminated wedding licence in my wallet at all times? Hmmm... Dave got his first passport a few months ago... guess he's gonna need it if he ever goes to see a Nascar race in the US. I let mine expire, so I had to redo mine too, it's also in my name, not his. See, not much changed. LOL

Colin - well, he's going to our college here, trying to get himself straightened out. He actually spoke to Dave for the first time yesterday, by accident, since he drowned himself in the bottle back in May of 2007. My cell phone rang as I was sleeping, and Dave answered it. Which I'm sure freaked Colin out. I think, I don't know for sure, that he was embarrassed to see either of us after that episode of his. We keep in contact, either via email or facebook and sometimes the phone, but even I haven't seen him since then. Every offer of dinners or drop off some of his stuff to him gets me shuffled off. But at least we are still in contact with each other - I'll take whatever I can get, I don't want to lose him again! As for him being sober, he's had to be, he's been living in a half-way house for months now. Actually, I think it's more a case of him being dry, just not sober. But he's moving out of the halfway house in the next few days and getting his own place with a room mate. I hope it works out for him!!

Yes, I'm still working at the accounting firm. I got probably my most amazing review ever this past year!! However, I didn't get the raise that should have gone with it. When I put Dave onto my insurance at work, with my raise (?), I'm actually taking home $52 LESS a month!!! I tried to be logical and requested they re-consider my raise... didn't happen. Got lots of lip service, but no headway. Seriously pissed me off!! I have 11 years in, and one of the girls that has 3 years in, is making darn near as much as me. That I found out quite by accident, which really set my teeth on edge!!!! But what am I to do? Quit? That's just not gonna happen, I got all my medical insurance in place prior to being diagnosed with the MS... so my ass is covered should I require either of the long term or short term disability coverage. So I've come to the conclusion that I must suck it up and do my job. And at this rate, and the bills involved, I'll be there until I'm 70, at least!! God willing!! I just wish the guys would quit bragging about all their freakin trips to exotic places like Egypt, etc. Just don't be telling me about those sort of things when I'm barely keeping my head above water!!! Jeez!!!

Speaking of trips... I AM GOING TO GO TO IRELAND!!! Okay, so not any time soon, it won't be for about 5 or 6 years. But it really was brought to home last summer, when Patrick went to a place I dreamed of going to since I was in Jr. High... yes, it HAS been that long!!! My big problem was that it was always a dream.... well, now I'm 50, and I still haven't gotten there!!! Partly because LIFE got in the way, and partly because I let it slide. My fault there!! I won't go until Gracie passes on - she has never been away from us for more than a night. Putting her into a kennel or expecting someone to look after her for a month just wouldn't be fair to her!! (or them!) Which gives me enough time to FOCUS on this goal of mine!! Pay off the bills, cut back on spending (did that this year at Christmas - used points to buy gifts) Any extra money... like when I take my pop bottles in, or my loonies and toonies, will all be going into a container. My Irish fund funded with "fun" money. Focus on paying off those damn credit cards!! The last 4 years have been a bitch, what with my dad being sick (I did 29 trips back & forth to Calgary in 9 months), I've had 2 kids graduate from high school, and a wedding. That was all paid for the wrong way. Thank goodness I had credit to do that with, however, that is sooo done with now!! Now when I pick something up, it will be a case of "Do I need it, or do I just want it?" Good question to ask myself!!! Focus!! Focus!! FOCUS!!!!

I can still have fun, and go camping, but do I need to feed everyone when I camp? I don't think so!! My food, my gas - that's all that's required. Speaking of camping - I didn't get out ONCE last year!!! Next year... I'm going!!! I miss it!! So that's another goal of mine... go have fun!!! Go to Water Valley, go camping on the crown land (free camping, free firewood), visit with friends more... last few years I've been totally focused on planning the wedding! I breathed, slept, lived for the planning of it all.

Anyway, that's the past year in a nutshell (okay, a BIG nutshell), and my future plans!! Here's to 2009 and beyond!!! May all the best be with you and yours, and wish me well!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Countdown & Catch up...

Wow, where do I begin?

This themed wedding has taken over my life! I'm either sewing, or picking out seams, or ironing, or tracing patterns out onto curtains, or tying ribbons onto crystals, or working on music, or, or, or...

And right now, I can't sleep!! The brain just won't shut off!! Is it the full moon? Are my periods coming? Who knows!! It's 2:46 a.m., and I'm wide awake. Can't do much with Dave sleeping, so I'm finally here catching up here. It's quiet, but also productive. Heaven forbid I sit and do nothing!! LOL

So the sewing is almost done. I've made some extra pieces for guests. Okay, so I've made lots of extras for guests! Along with buying from ebay. I can't do fancy bodices I've discovered. Need a professional grommet setter.... but those I can and have bought from ebay. Then I've made skirts to go with them. And have made some chemises, and bought some.

I couldn't find a decent men's pattern for a poets shirt, BUT I had a decent shirt that I wanted to copy, took it apart, and created my own pattern. Damned if the shirts didn't turn out okay!! And I even had to learn how to do a collar on the things!! Man, my one semester and a half of Home Ec has certainly come in handy!! How many years ago was that?????????

I've even learned how to do the button hole stitch. Not well, but that is my sewing machine's fault. It doesn't like to go backwards to do the stitch properly. I've had that thing apart and cleaned more times than I can to think, and there is just something wrong with the feeder teeth on it. Oh well, don't do reverse often anyway. At least forward is still working! The machine is over 30 yrs old, and this is the most it has been used in years!! Poor thing! I just hope it holds out for a few more things...

Deb S came down the weekend of the 11th, and I was a bridzilla! Made her work, would have made her work more, but Street Wheelers weekend was on... LOL But we got some curtains finished. And here is how THAT went.... first I found a design that I liked. Then copied it onto a plastic sheet, then put that on an overhead projector that I borrowed from work, traced it out onto paper that was taped to the wall, then took the paper to the dining room table, traced the much larger design onto inexpensive 2nd hand store tab top curtains with tracing paper, then went over the design with black felt pens. Got all that? We managed to get done a celtic high cross, 2 matching curtains with medieval style horses, and a gothic unicorn done, with at least one more design to put onto material, but at least it's traced out in black felt pen, ready to go! These will all become "walls" to the sun shade tents that will be set up in the front yard.

Then we also tied ribbons thru crystals - these will be hung from trees - a girl's got to have sparkly things ya know!! I've been collecting crystals for years now. You know those really tacky chandeliers that are brass colored with crystals hanging from them? Ya, well, you can sometimes find them cheap at garage sales, for like $5. The crystals got taken off, the tacky brass got thrown out. Which left me with lots and lots of crystals... knew I was going to use them someday!!

I even made myself a really amazing dress!! Out of a $4, 2nd hand burgandy queen sized duvet cover, which was in really great shape. Took out the zipper, undid the stitching, and proceeded to cut out the pattern. A real one this time!! Altho I did change a few things on it!! Like, no zipper. I made it larger than I required, sewed in D-rings into the back seams, and viola, it has lacing in the back!! It has those really long sleeves and a back hem that drags. But I also wanted to show white inside sleeves, but not wear a chemise or tunic under it. So I created sleeves out of a white sheet, and once I stitched them up with the machine, I hand stitched them to the inside of the dress sleeve to the trim that goes around the bicep area of my arm. Hard to explain, but looks cool. Yes, yes, pictures will be coming!! And it only took me 4 weeks to do!

And the yard.... bought tons of dirt, tons of plants, and just as everything is blooming.... we get hail. Oh wait! Let's hail the next week too! Aaahhh, not done yet!! Let's hail one more week!! Just for good measure! Sheesh!! But I just checked the 2 week forcast from the weather channel, it looks like we'll be dying from the heat by time the wedding is on. Oh joy! NOT! Now I have to go out and trim my poor plants, clean off all the dead stuff, fertize the poor things, and hope they come back, all pretty! Thank goodness we have a covered deck - you should have seen me scrambling to get all my pots under cover!

And because of the hail and horendous winds ...... one of the main suppliers of our famous Taber Corn got totally wiped out. Which was going to be one of the foods for our meal. Hope Safeway has a ton of corn! Who knows! Maybe it will just be burgers we'll be serving!

The music... between what I had (which was lots, believe me!), and iTunes... I have cds burned to play Friday and Saturday, with a combo set for Sunday and Monday in the front yard. Going to put the speakers from the stereo downstairs up into the rumpus room windows, and play out the windows. How's that for ambiance? And this stereo is great... I can put like 20 cds in it, and let it run....

The deck will be playing my iPod... have it all timed out to play certain music at a certain time. The back kitchen door will have a cd player playing back there, with either really Renaissance music, or the Gregorian chant thing happening, or a mixture of both. It will only play 1 cd at a time.. haven't quiet got that figured out yet.

Dave hasn't got off easy either! All the windows of the house have been cleaned, inside and out. He gave the deck a new coat of paint. He's trying to get electricity onto the deck, with a plug in and lights. The plug in works, the lights... not so much. He's going to talk to his electrician buddy tomorrow to find out what the problem is. He's screwed in 6 flag poles (the smaller cheaper ones that you can get from Canadian Tire) onto the front of the house. And figured out a way to hang the flags I've bought from them, so that we will have medieval style flags hanging on the front of the house. I know, overboard, right? LOL But it's the party that I'm planning - the wedding itself is taken care of. Sorta. Still have to pin down the exact wording... Oh, and he's been doing the daily cooking and cleaning while I've been sewing, sewing, sewing!! Poor man. He must really love me!!

Oh, and then I bought this really cool bubble machine! You should see this thing! It freaking takes 8 AA batteries, but man, does it blow bubbles!! You can't help but giggle when this thing is going and you see bubbles just pouring out of it and floating skywards!!

I've ordered the cake from Wal-mart. Hey, it's just a slab cake, decorated up with the theme. Haven't quite got that down pat either... waiting for a plastic castle front to come in to be put onto the cake. Ya, pictures!!

I have the next 3 weeks off from work. 2 weeks before the wedding (well, not quite now), and 1 week after - to collapse or have a heart attack or something like that. Oh, wait, honeymoon. Ya, probably will take a few days, once everything is settled and put away, to go back to the place where Dave proposed. A much needed time of peace and quiet. And no sewing machine!!

So I think I have got you guys up to speed. I really must finish the sewing, and find my inside of the house once again. Right now it is covered, room to room, with all sorts of sewing "stuff' - material, trims, patterns, etc. I be thinking I really shouldn't leave it that way, not with guests arriving later next week!! Really should tidy up, put things away, pull out my medieval accessories... yep, it's on one my to-do lists!!


Monday, March 24, 2008

Gord Robson passed away...

Gord Robson was one of my favorite announcers on The River, our Lethbridge FM station. He did the morning show, and I won my trip to Denmark with/thru him in 2002. Then he suddenly wasn't there any longer.... either he quit or got fired... and I missed him.

I also listened to him on 630 CHED, when I was a teenager. 630 CHED was THE best radio station ever!! My parents were listening to country AM, with The Farm Report done by Hoss Hammer. So when you discover an AM station that played current music ... it was simply wonderful!! And they would have their listings of the Top 10, or whatever, posted at The Bay, beside the 45's. Man, talk about a walk down memory lane!!

News came thru this morning that he passed away this past Friday in Edmonton. I went digging and found this site, called BC Radio History that is very cut and dried, but with a very good picture of him.

GORD ROBSON (1951-2008)
Veteran broadcaster Gord Robson, whose career spanned five different decades, died last week at his home in Edmonton. He was 56. Robson worked at many Canadian radio stations, including a decade at the legendary CKLG Vancouver

Guess I'll just keep on missing him.....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Signs of Spring!

Saw my first robin the other day. All puffy and perched on a tree branch, singing it's little heart out!

Just came back from my smoke break outside, walked thru a spider web strand.

Yep, spring has sprung.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Been remiss...

It started with Christmas, really... my sons gave me a new computer!! So I blame it on them!! But they didn't give me a chance to transfer my shortcuts or any of the info I had on my old pc, so if you are reading this, please contact me!! LOL I have email addresses, but no blog people!

My old pc had 6 GB... this new one.. 138 GB!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woooeeeee!!! I began with putting my celtic/irish cds on it, to make special compliation cds for the wedding. That's another story...

But then, after all that work, I began to freak that if this pc crashes, I'll loose all my hard work. At the same time I was looking at maybe buying an iPod or something for backup (holy crap, those are expensive!!), I rc'd in my email my Air Miles update. Okay, I've had my Air Miles card since before Chris was born, and STILL didn't have enough to fly anywhere. Guess it would help if I bought more than groceries at Safeway, and once in awhile gas at Shell, eh? AHA, but on the front page of the newsletter... were iPods. Hey!! Well, hot diggity dog, with my points I got a 80 GB Classic iPod AND an iBoom box - after I checked with my wizard son, the computer whiz kid!!

So needless to say, I put ALL my cds (over 300 of them) onto the pc, which also transfers over to the iPod. Sweet!! That is where my early morning hours are going... busy with music for all of January and February!! Still have to sort the songs into 'playlists', and then create special cds...

Then, we've also been planning a wedding. Yep, ours. OMG!! Sorry, it is going to be only immediate family and close friends, which still takes us to 37 people, which I'm sure will be less because people won't be able to come, for one reason or another... There are soooo many more I would love to invite, but just don't have the room!!!! It's going to be held in our back/side yard.... and if it rains, guess we'll have to do it inside. ACK!

It will be the long weekend in August. Okay, now that we have a date, we need to get someone to marry us. Interviewed 2 ladies, and decided on one by the name of Louise Odland. For a number of reasons, she came in ahead. :-)

It will just be in our back yard, we are planning a Medieval Theme. But one of my GFs came up with an idea... if I'm going to do all the work for the theme, why not do it for the entire weekend?? Hey!! That's an idea!! How about a Wedieval Festival??? (get it?? Wed-ding and Med-ieval combined?)

So in my free time (?), I've been combing the 2nd hand stores for anything Medieval looking... wooden bowls, tapestries, material, etc. It's ALL in my head, difficult to put it all down on paper!! LOL Oh, and ebay... thank goodness for ebay!!!

This weekend it's putting the invites together, must get them out this week!! Most of the people already know about it, but this way, it will be more formal. Oh, and because I don't want us to stand out, or have neighbors bitch about the noise and mayhem, or people that say to themselves "gee, wish I had of known, I would have done it too!" (that would be me!), I've rolled up 50 Neighbor "Hear Ye, Hear Ye" proclamations... that go like this:

Once upon a time, in the midst of social chaos, there was born a moment of Pleasure. It sprang from the hearts of two folk - called Love. It Leapt, Danced & Sang all the songs of Summer that had lain dormant for hundreds of years.Knowe ye that thou hast entered the Realm of The Medieval Festival. Enjoy in the revelry & merriment! Come ye good people of the Greenview Close Realm & celebrate your own most pleasurable event!
That being said...
One of your faire neighbours will be holding a Medieval Style Festival – and would like to encourage you to hold your own Feasting & Festivities the same weekend. The festivities will begin on Friday, August 1st, & finish on the Monday, August 4th, in the year 2008.

Be prepared for loads of Merriment & Music somewhere (or maybe everywhere!) on Greenview Close (our apologies now), feel free to hold your own festival on those same dates! We would consider it an honour if you were to partake in such fun, the whole block could be one HUGE Medieval Festival!
We are aiming at a theme such as Shrek, or A Knight’s Tale. (Does anyone have a talking donkey?) Don’t be surprised if you see peasants, buxom wenches, maybe a knight or two, or even a wizard. With a lot of medieval/celtic type music throwne in for good measure. Medieval tent(s), dragon/wizard flags. (Swords & battle axes to be left at the guests’ own abodes.)

So Ladies, wear your gowns. Knights, wear your armour. (okay, maybe not armour, it will be August, after all!) Dress as Vikings, as Wizards & Sorcerers, as Ladies, as Wenches, as poor, lowly Peasants... and ENJOY!!
Yours in service to the ideals of all that is Medieval, we remain...
It’s a secret, we canna tell ye!!

In 2008 speak – We would love it if Greenview Close became a HUGE block party, Medieval Themed, on the long weekend in August! Looking forward to seeing how many folk will take on this challenge!

Only, it's done in 3 columns widthwise on parchment type paper, with brown ink, in olde script. Rolled up and tied with ribbon. Now all I have to do it deliver them!! Oh, and there are 2 pages of pics of people in period attire, for those that don't have access to computers! LOL But for those that do have a pc, I've also included a list of websites for them to check out.

Did you notice that nowhere in the proclamation is mention of a wedding? hehe And I KNOW for sure the fella across the street will get into it, you should see him dress up his yard for Halloween. And another neighbor goes all out for Christmas... so we'll see.

Then weekends... I looked after my GFs two doggies for one week, they needed to be walked every day!! Then it was my 50th birthday, friends came down for that. This weekend Dave's sis Barb and her daughter were down on Friday and Saturday, and the invites MUST be finished!! Next weekend, Chris and a few of his friends - looks like they are coming down... then it's Easter weekend. At the moment, it's open... LOL

I have a CRAP LOAD of sewing to do.... Oh, and don't forget, tax season is now upon us! ~groan~ And I'm trying to strengthen my legs for my MS SuperCities Walk on April 26th...

At least in May, the walk will be done, and tax season is over. The invites will be out, the theme established. The yard and garden will need constant care to be made bee u ti ful, and sewing and searching will still be on my agenda.

Okay, that's my "catch-up" on behalf of my cousin! Here's to you Vicky!! LOL

Ta for now...