When the kids were small, they had me play, over and over again, the song Darcy the Dragon by Roger Whittaker. I had a small pewter dragon that would 'skip' to the song. I couldn't find it for the longest time on YouTube, but it's there!! It's there!! And then, just by chance, I just did a search on it... and came up with this site.
I am soooooooo happy!!!! :-))
Friday, December 14, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
solvitur ambulando
Been awhile, I know!! Can I say I've been busy?? LOL
We had our xmas party last night, and jeez, it was freakin cold!! Dave, the dear man, went next door to Denny's and got me hot chocolates, which were then 'refreshed' with a wee dram of irish cream. That did the trick!!
But why I am writing... They were doing "Terms of Service" presentations. Knew I was getting something, because I've done 10 years so far. Harvey did my speech, and actually brought tears to my eyes. In other words, he did well...
What blew me away was altho they had done other awards, when it came to be my turn... the whole freaking room with everybody from every office started cheering and clapping loudly. I mean EVERYBODY!! (altho, to be truthful, there may have been a few NOT making noise!) And seriously, I'm not saying that to blow my own horn, I saying it because I was totally blown away by the overwhelming 'loudness' of it all!!! LOL Those poor new students that haven't started yet, were probably looking around to see what all the hoopla was all about!! And it was just little ole me!! WOW!! What a feeling I'm still carrying with me this morning!! Kinda like Sally Fields, when she said "they like me, they really like me!"
Okay, back to the "solvitur ambulando"...
The girls that were buying the terms of service awards had been asking me about amber, where the best place to buy it was, etc. When I received my 'present', and opened it at the table, here was this small, not even 3/4 of an inch pendant on a chain. The front of it had a design... and the back of it had 'solvitur ambulando'. The design has 4 corners blocks and a center block with lines running from each one. Kinda hard to describe it. Looked like, pushing it, a medicine wheel? Okay, so I was disappointed... no amber. :-( And what the hell is inscribed on the back? What is that, the designer's name???
We left right away, as soon as the VERY loud entertainment began, came home, turned up the heat, got my warm fuzzies on, then it was sleepy time.
This morning (I know, make a short story long!), went on the pc, and plugged in the words 'solvitur ambulando'.... translates into "solved by walking". Okay, things are looking up, now it sorta/kinda fits...
And then I came across this site, which in short form says:
Many people picture a hedge maze when they hear the word "labyrinth" but labyrinths used for contemplation are two-dimensional designs that were found on the floors of medieval cathedrals.
“Labyrinths are not mazes and are not intended to trick you,” said Matthew Gabriele, assistant professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and coordinator of Medieval & Renaissance Studies. “Most follow a simple path in which you don't have to make any choices at all.”
“Labyrinths provide the opportunity to walk in meditation or contemplation and they can help to discern life decisions or aid in physical and psychological healing,” said Gabriele.
A quotation ascribed to Saint Augustine, “solvitur ambulando,” portends to the strength of this exercise. The translation: “It is solved by walking.”
Okay, the design on the front of the pendant could conceivably be a labyrinth... "solved by walking". Now I'm not disappointed, actually am thinking the girls did a pretty good job of picking out my term of service gift!! Now I'm thinking it's pretty cool.... once I figured it out!!! LOL Think I'll keep it.... and be grateful that they found something that fits with me!! They must have tripped over it, quite by accident. Can hardly wait to hear the story behind how they found it!!
Cool, eh?
May 30, 2009
Don't ask me how, but I tripped over this site about labyrinths.. and THIS is the design on my necklace. For the life of me I couldn't find it back then, but suddenly (?), here it is!! Just staring off the page at me!!
"Our Reims™ Cathedral Replica™ labyrinth faithfully replicates the original medieval design built in the French cathedral Notre Dame de Reims, Northeast of Paris. ... Built sometime between 1287 and 1311 of white and black marble, the Reims™ labyrinth was created during the height of the medieval labyrinth building period in the thirteenth century. "
How cool is that????!!!
We had our xmas party last night, and jeez, it was freakin cold!! Dave, the dear man, went next door to Denny's and got me hot chocolates, which were then 'refreshed' with a wee dram of irish cream. That did the trick!!
But why I am writing... They were doing "Terms of Service" presentations. Knew I was getting something, because I've done 10 years so far. Harvey did my speech, and actually brought tears to my eyes. In other words, he did well...
What blew me away was altho they had done other awards, when it came to be my turn... the whole freaking room with everybody from every office started cheering and clapping loudly. I mean EVERYBODY!! (altho, to be truthful, there may have been a few NOT making noise!) And seriously, I'm not saying that to blow my own horn, I saying it because I was totally blown away by the overwhelming 'loudness' of it all!!! LOL Those poor new students that haven't started yet, were probably looking around to see what all the hoopla was all about!! And it was just little ole me!! WOW!! What a feeling I'm still carrying with me this morning!! Kinda like Sally Fields, when she said "they like me, they really like me!"
Okay, back to the "solvitur ambulando"...
The girls that were buying the terms of service awards had been asking me about amber, where the best place to buy it was, etc. When I received my 'present', and opened it at the table, here was this small, not even 3/4 of an inch pendant on a chain. The front of it had a design... and the back of it had 'solvitur ambulando'. The design has 4 corners blocks and a center block with lines running from each one. Kinda hard to describe it. Looked like, pushing it, a medicine wheel? Okay, so I was disappointed... no amber. :-( And what the hell is inscribed on the back? What is that, the designer's name???
We left right away, as soon as the VERY loud entertainment began, came home, turned up the heat, got my warm fuzzies on, then it was sleepy time.
This morning (I know, make a short story long!), went on the pc, and plugged in the words 'solvitur ambulando'.... translates into "solved by walking". Okay, things are looking up, now it sorta/kinda fits...
And then I came across this site, which in short form says:
Many people picture a hedge maze when they hear the word "labyrinth" but labyrinths used for contemplation are two-dimensional designs that were found on the floors of medieval cathedrals.
“Labyrinths are not mazes and are not intended to trick you,” said Matthew Gabriele, assistant professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and coordinator of Medieval & Renaissance Studies. “Most follow a simple path in which you don't have to make any choices at all.”
“Labyrinths provide the opportunity to walk in meditation or contemplation and they can help to discern life decisions or aid in physical and psychological healing,” said Gabriele.
A quotation ascribed to Saint Augustine, “solvitur ambulando,” portends to the strength of this exercise. The translation: “It is solved by walking.”
Okay, the design on the front of the pendant could conceivably be a labyrinth... "solved by walking". Now I'm not disappointed, actually am thinking the girls did a pretty good job of picking out my term of service gift!! Now I'm thinking it's pretty cool.... once I figured it out!!! LOL Think I'll keep it.... and be grateful that they found something that fits with me!! They must have tripped over it, quite by accident. Can hardly wait to hear the story behind how they found it!!
Cool, eh?
May 30, 2009
Don't ask me how, but I tripped over this site about labyrinths.. and THIS is the design on my necklace. For the life of me I couldn't find it back then, but suddenly (?), here it is!! Just staring off the page at me!!
"Our Reims™ Cathedral Replica™ labyrinth faithfully replicates the original medieval design built in the French cathedral Notre Dame de Reims, Northeast of Paris. ... Built sometime between 1287 and 1311 of white and black marble, the Reims™ labyrinth was created during the height of the medieval labyrinth building period in the thirteenth century. "
How cool is that????!!!
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