Monday, July 30, 2007

1st day of trip East

Here's the family Motorhome. It's a '79 Dodge, but it's been thoroughly gone thru, and we should be on the road to MB.

Dave & his girls - Gracie and me!

Oops! We haven't even gotten as far as Taber, and the MH was making strange noises. Suddenly Dave has no power steering nor BRAKES!! He coasted us to the shoulder of the hwy, and opened this compartment. Not a pretty sight or smell!! The belt (or what's left of the belt!) was actually the a/c belt. And what caused the problems was the power steering belt being off it's pulley. Which was caused by the a/c belt flopping around. Which, it turns out, the actual pulley was broken. (see pics below!)

So Dave called one of the guys he works with, and Trevor came out to help put the damned belt back on so that we could drive the MH back to town. Nice view of Trev, eh? Sorry, couldn't resist!

This is our hero, right side up!

And here's the belt and pulley and the broken pulley!
So we got back home, about an hour and a 1/2 from when we left. Dave is now out running around to see if he can find another pulley for the a/c.
But get this - This is actually the 2nd thing that happened. On Saturday morning, just after 9 a.m., I was leaning sideways on the couch. I coughed. And *SNAP* went my back. Jeez!! Sunday it was better, and today is a wee bit better.
Crap! Hope there isn't a No. 3 ahead for us!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Been too long!

Egads! Been waaaaay too long! It's just that it's been so VERY busy, and so VERY hot, and really, it's just "life" happening, so not much to write about.

However, I had to write about this one!! Took my Gracie girl to the vet yesterday. She's 3 now. And with the heat we've been having, neither she nor I have really been doing any exercising. So everything is all good with her. Shots are now updated. Even had her checked for Heartworm (why is it the blood test comes back in 5 minutes at the vet, but for humans it takes 3 days? Things that make you go "Hmmmm....")

Anyway, she was SOOOOOO well behaved!!! She embarrassed me last year, acting like a spoiled child. But this year, she acted like a lady. Sat on the scale thingy they have when I told her to, AND stayed sitting there! Hot damn!

But get this, and this was why I HAD to write.... she weighs in at 48 kg. When you translate that into poundage... she weighs in at 105.6 POUNDS!!! 105.6 POUNDS!! Good Lord! And not overweight either. And once the weather smartens up, and we get walking again, she may get even heavier - 'cause muscle weighs more than fat. So I figure, if I lose my extra 10 pounds, there won't be much difference in our weight!! LOL

Egads! Been waaaaay too long!